C. Fefferman:
Editor's note on papers by Harvey-Lawson and by Luk-Yau
G. Christol and Z. Mebkhout:
Sur le théorème de l'indice des équations différentielles $p$-adiques. III. (On the index theorem for $p$-adic differential equations. III)
Joel Hass and Roger Schlafly:
Double bubbles minimize
Mladen Bestvina, Mark Feighn and Michael Handel:
The Tits alternative for Out$(F_n)$. I: Dynamics of exponentially-growing automorphisms
Daniel Gallo, Michael Kapovich and Albert Marden:
The monodromy groups of Schwarzian equations on closed Riemann surfaces
Yves André:
Séries Gevrey de type arithmétique. I: Théorèmes de pureté et de dualité. (Gevrey series of arithmetic type. I: Purity and duality theorems)
Yves André:
Séries Gevrey de type arithmétique. II: Transcendance sans transcendance. (Gevrey series of arithmetic type. II: Transcendence without transcendence)
Burt Totaro:
Chern numbers for singular varieties and elliptic homology
Ravi Ramakrishna:
Infinitely ramified Galois representations
C. Moeglin:
Normalisation des opérateurs d'entrelacement et réductibilité des induites de cuspidales; le cas des groupes classiques $p$-adiques. (Normalization of intertwining operators and reducibility of representations induced from cuspidal ones; the case of $p$-adic classical groups)
Thomas C. Sideris:
Nonresonance and global existence of prestressed nonlinear elastic waves
Publication date for this issue: 27 Apr 2001.
This page was last modified: 22 Jan 2002.
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2001--2002 ELibM for
the EMIS Electronic Edition