Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie
Contributions to Algebra and Geometry

ISSN 0138-4821 · Volume 35 (1994), Number 1 · Electronic Edition

Katrin Tschirpke
The Dissection of Five-Dimensional Simplices into Orthoschemes *

Abstract , DVI (12 K), Postscript (34 K)

Philippe Caldero
Sur le centre de $U_q(n^+)$

Abstract , DVI (24 K), Postscript (60 K)

Andreas W. M. Dress
On Lifting Prime Ideals

DVI (4 K), Postscript (22 K)

Johann Linhart
The Upper Bound Conjecture for Arrangements of Half Spaces

Abstract , DVI (12 K), Postscript (35 K)

Károly Bezdek, Peter Brass, Heiko Harborth
Maximum Convex Hulls of Connected Systems of Segments and of Polyominoes

Abstract , DVI (9 K), Postscript (31 K), Figures (27 K)

Agota H. Temesvári
Über die dünnste doppelgitterförmige 2-fache Überdeckung mit einem zentralsymmetrischen konvexen Bereich

Abstract , DVI (14 K), Postscript (37 K), Figures (50 K)

Bang-yen Chen, Wei-eihn Kuan
The Cubic Representation of a Submanifold

Abstract , DVI (19 K), Postscript (53 K)

Salvatore Vasallo, Jörg M. Wills
On Mixed Sphere Packings

Abstract , DVI (9 K), Postscript (33 K)

Marie Paule Malliavin
La caténarité de la partie positive de l'algèbre enveloppante quantifiée de l'algèbre de Lie simple de type $B_2$

Abstract , DVI (17 K), Postscript (49 K), Figures (15 K)

Keresztély Corrádi, Sándor Szabó
Factoring by Nonsubgroup Factors

Abstract , DVI (9 K), Postscript (30 K)

Peter Schreiber
What is the True Number of Semiregular (Archimedean) Solids?

DVI (3 K), Postscript (19 K), Figures (69 K)

Bernd Stellmacher
On Alperin's Fusion Theorem

DVI (9 K), Postscript (32 K)

Edwin H. Smith
Covering the Plane with Congruent Copies of a Convex Disk

Abstract , DVI (12 K), Postscript (35 K), Figures (33 K)

Huili Liu, Changping Wang
Centroaffinely Homogeneous Surfaces in $R^3$

Abstract , DVI (11 K), Postscript (40 K)

Károly Bezdek, T. Hausel
Coating by Cubes

DVI (9 K), Postscript (29 K)

Shmuel Onn, Bernd Sturmfels
A Quantitative Steinitz' Theorem

Abstract , DVI (10 K), Postscript (33 K)

Károly Bezdek
On Affine Subspaces that Illuminate a Convex Set

Abstract , DVI (14 K), Postscript (40 K), Figures (49 K)

A.M. d'Azevedo Breda, F.J. Craveiro de Carvalho
Transnormal Graph Surfaces

Abstract , DVI (8 K), Postscript (32 K)

Andreas W. M. Dress
Still another Proof of the Existence of Sylow-p-Subgroups

DVI (4 K), Postscript (22 K)

* Missing figures in these articles are to be inserted.
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