On the Scattering Theory of the Laplacian with a Periodic Boundary Condition. II. Additional Channels of Scattering
We study spectral and scattering properties of the Laplacian $H^{(\sigma)} = -\Delta$ in $L_2(\R^2_+)$ corresponding to the boundary condition $\frac{
tial u}{
tial\nu} + \sigma u = 0$ for a wide class of periodic functions $\sigma$. For non-negative $\sigma$ we prove that $H^{(\sigma)}$ is unitarily equivalent to the Neumann Laplacian $H^{(0)}$. In general, there appear additional channels of scattering which are analyzed in detail.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 35J10; Secondary 35J25, 35P05, 35P25.
Keywords and Phrases: Scattering theory, periodic operator, Schrödinger operator, singular potential.
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