Product Systems over Ore Monoids
We interpret the Cuntz--Pimsner covariance condition as a nondegeneracy condition for representations of product systems. We show that Cuntz--Pimsner algebras over Ore monoids are constructed through inductive limits and section algebras of Fell bundles over groups. We construct a groupoid model for the Cuntz--Pimsner algebra coming from an action of an Ore monoid on a space by topological correspondences. We characterise when this groupoid is effective or locally contracting and describe its invariant subsets and invariant measures.
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 46L55, 22A22
Keywords and Phrases: Crossed product; product system; Ore conditions; Cuntz--Pimsner algebra; correspondence; groupoid model; higher-rank graph algebra; topological graph algebra.
Full text: dvi.gz 189 k, dvi 641 k, ps.gz 671 k, pdf 826 k.