Home pages of combinatorial people and groups
Please join us here:
Here are the personal home pages of
combinatorialists, graph theorists, and
others with an interest in discrete mathematics. If you would like
to add your name to the list, email
your full name and the URL of your page to the
managing editor
Ian Wanless
(making the obvious substitutions in the email address).
Our intent here is to facilitate the exchange of information.
- The Editors
Abueida, Atif
Adelberg, Arnold
Adin, Ron
Aguiar, Marcelo
Albertson, Michael O.
Al-Hawary, Talal
Alizadeh, Feliz
Allouche, Jean-Paul
Amdeberhan, Tewodros
Anderson, Ian
Anstee, Richard
Archdeacon, Dan
Ardila, Federico
Arsham, Hossein
Ashlock, Dan
Athanasiadis, Christos
Atkinson, Mike
Aziz, Haris
Bailey, Rosemary
Bang-Jensen, Jørgen
Beck, Matthias
Bedford, David
Beezer, Rob
Bender, Ed
Bending, Thomas
Benjamin, Arthur T.
Benschop, Nico F
Bergeron, François
Bergeron, Nantel
Bertsekas, Dimitri P.
Bessenrodt, Christine
Bezrukov, Sergei
Bhatti, Faqir M.
Billey, Sara
Billington, Elizabeth
Blackburn, Simon R.
Blok, Rieuwert
Bluskov, Iliya
Bona, Miklos
Bonato, Anthony
Bonnington, Paul
Boros, Endre
Bousquet-Melou, Mireille
Brändén, Petter
Brandstadt, Andreas
Brandt, Stephan
Braun, Benjamin
Bressoud, David M.
Brown, Jason I.
Brualdi, Richard
Brundage, Michael
Bryant, Darryn
Bui Xuan, Binh Minh
Burgiel, Heidi
- Burstein, Alex
Butler, Lynne
Cahit, Ibrahim
Calkin, Neil
Callan, David
Cameron, Peter
Cariolaro, David
Caro, Yair ?
Caughman, John S.
Cazaran, Jilyana
Chappell, Glenn G.
Chee, Yeow Meng
Chen, Hubie
Cheng, Eddie
Cherowitzo, William
Chlebus, Bogdan
Chouikha, Abd Raouf
Chow, Timothy
Chung, Fan
Chvátal, Vaek
Cigler, Johann
Claesson, Anders
Clark, Francis
Clarke, Bob
Colbourn, Charlie
Collins, Karen L.
Comellas, Francesc
Conder, Marston
Conflitti, Alessandro
Coolsaet, Kris
Cooper, Joshua N.
Cordovil, Raul
Cowen, Lenore
Cranston, Daniel
Cullinane, Steven H.
van Dam, Edwin
Damiani, Ernesto
Daven, Michael S.
De Clerck, Frank
Dejter, Italo J.
Delest, Maylis
De Loera, Jesus A.
Denise, Alain
DeVos, Matt
Deza, Antoine
Deza, Michel
Diaconis, Persi
Dinitz, Jeff
Dinneen, Michael J.
Dohmen, Klaus
Dukes, Mark
Duval, Art
Egge, Eric S.
Egecioglu, Ömer
Ehrenborg, Richard
Elder, Murray
Elizalde, Sergi
Ellingham, Mark
Ellis, Robert B.
Ellis-Monaghan, Joanna A.
Elliot, Jason W
Eppstein, David
Erickson, Jeff
Erickson, Martin
Eriksson, Kimmo
Eshghi, Kourosh
Eu, Sen-Peng
Exoo, Geoff
Farley, Jonathan D.
Farr, Jeff
Farrugia, Alastair
Fauser, Bertfried
Fedou, Jean-Marc
Felsner, Stefan
Fernández, Antonio
Fiedler, Bernd
Fields, Joe
Fill, James A.
Fiol, Miguel Angel
Flajolet, Philippe
Foata, Dominique
Fomin, Fedor
Fomin, Sergey
Forge, David
Fraenkel, Aviezri
Frasser, Carlos
Frieze, Alan
Froncek, Dalibor
Füredi, Zoltan
Gallian, Joseph
Ganesan, Ashwin
Gao, Shanzhen
Gärtner, Bernd
Gauthier, Bruno
Ge, Gennian
Gera, Ralucca
Gernert, Dieter
Gessel, Ira
Gethner, Ellen
Ghorpade, Sudhir R.
Glen, Amy
Godbole, Anant P.
Goddard, Wayne
Goddyn, Luis A.
Godsil, Chris
Golumbic, Martin
Gopalakrishnan, K.
Gottlieb, Eric
Göring, Frank
Grable, David ?
Grannell, Mike
Greenhill, Catherine
Grood, Cheryl
Grossman, Jerrold W.
Guignard-Spielberg, Monique
Gustedt, Jens
Gutin, Z. Gregory
Gutner, Shai
Haas, Ruth
Haemers, Willem
Hajiabolhassan, Hossein
Han, Guoniu
Harris, Mitch
Håstad, Johan
Haynes, Teresa
Hedetniemi, Steve T.
Heise, Werner
Helmberg, Christoph
Hemaspaandra, Lane
Hetyei, Gabor
van den Heuvel, Jan
Hindman, Neil
Hirschfeld, James
Hirschhorn, Michael David
Hobbs, Arthur M.
Hochstaettler, Winfried
Holder, Leanne D.
Horton, Steve
Hosten, Serkan
Hough, Dave
Huber, Michael
Hurlbert, Glenn
Kano, Mikio
Kartik, Krishnan S.
Kayibi, Koko
Kelarev, Andrei
Key, Jennifer
Kharaghani, Hadi
Kingan, Sandra
Kitaev, Sergey
Klavzar, Sandi
Klerlein, Joe
Klivans, Caroline J.
Knopfmacher, Arnold
Knuth, Donald E.
Kohnert, Axel
Kolountzakis, Mike
Kolpakov, Roman
Konvalinka, Matjaz
Kotsireas, Ilias S.
Koukouvinos, Christos
Kozlov, Dmitry
Krattenthaler, Christian
Kreher, Donald L.
Krob, Daniel
Kucukcifci, Selda
Kündgen, André
Kuperberg, Greg
Larsen, Michael
Lascoux, Alain
Lassalle, Michel
Laue, Reinhard
Lauri, Josef
Lawrencenko, Serge
Lazebnik, Felix
Lee, Carl
van Leeuwen, Marc
Lenart, Cristian
LeVan, Mike
Li, Ji
Lieby, Paulette
Linusson, Svante
Lisonek, Petr
Loeb, Daniel
Lovász, László
Luoto, Kurt
Lygeros, Nik
Malkevitch, Joseph
Manoussakis, Yannis
Mansour, Toufik
Martin, Bill
Martin, Jeremy
Martin, Keith
Martin, Quintin Martin
Martin, Ryan R
Martins, Ernesto Queiros Vieira
Matiyasevich, Yuri
Mazzocca, Francesco
McGuire, Gary
McKay, Brendan
McKee, Terry A.
McNamara, Peter
McQuillan, James M.
Mendelsohn, Eric
Merino, Criel
Merris, Russell
Meszka, Mariusz
Mier, Anna de
Mihailovs, Alec
Mohan, R.N.
Mohar, Bojan
Moll, Victor H.
Morvan, Michel
Moscato, Pablo
Moura, Lucia
Mutlu, Uenal ?
Myers, Amy
Myrvold, Wendy
Pachter, Lior
Pak, Igor
Panario, Daniel
Panina, Gaiane
Pankov, Mark
Parberry, Ian
Parthasarathy S.
Paule, Peter
Pekec, Aleksandar
Petersen, Kyle
Pike, David
Pikhurko, Oleg
Pisanski, Tomaz
Pizaña, Miguel Angel
Postnikov, Alex
Prisner, Erich
Proctor, Robert
Prodinger, Helmut
Propp, Jim
Proskurowski, Andrzej
Prosper, Vincent
Pudlák, Pavel
Radziszowski, Stanislaw
Rall, Doug
Ramamurthi, Radhika
Ramanan, Gurumurthi, ?
Rambau, Jörg
Readdy, Margaret
Reading, Nathan
Recski, András
Reid, K. B. (K. Brooks Reid)
Reif, John
Reifegerste, Astrid
Reiner, Vic
Reingold, Edward
Riese, Axel
Robins, Gabriel
Robins, Sinai
Roby, Tom
Rojas, Joseph Maurice
Rosas, Mercedes H.
Rote, Günter
Rowland, Eric
Royle, Gordon
Rubalcaba, Robert R.
Ruskey, Frank
Ryjacek, Zdenek
Sagan, Bruce
Sali, Attila
Sarkozy, Gabor ?
Savage, Carla
Scapellato, Raffaele
Scheinerman, Edward
Schmitt, John R
Schmutz, Eric
Sciriha, Irene
Seberry, Jennifer
Selkow, Stanley
Severini, Simone
Sinha, Kishore
Servatius, Brigitte
Shahriari, Shahriar
Shauger, Stephen E.
Shaw, Ron
Shearer, James B.
Skiena, Steven
Slater, Peter J.
Sloane, Neil J. A.
Smith, Jonathan D.H.
Smith, Ken W.
Soh, Sun Tae
Soicher, Leonard H.
Sottile, Frank
Song, Chunwei
Song, Hong-Yeop
Specht, Eckard
Spence, Edward
Spencer, Joel
Stacho, Ladislav
Staddon, Jessica
Stadler, Peter F.
Stanica, Pantelimon
Stanley, Richard
Stark, Dudley
Steel, Mike
Steingrimsson, Einar
Stinson, Doug
Stockmeyer, Paul K.
Stoichev, Stoicho D.
Stout, Quentin F.
Strausz, Ricardo
Street, Anne
Sudakov, Benny
Sun, Zhi-Hong
Sun, Zhi-Wei
Tanaka, Hajime
Tanenbaum, Paul
Tarannikov, Yuriy
Tefera, Akalu
Tenner, Bridget
Terwilliger, Paul
Tetali, Prasad
Thatte, Bhalchandra D.
Thibon, Jean-Yves
Thiele, James S. ?
Thiele, Torsten
- Tinhofer, Gottfried
Tittman, Peter
Toft, Bjarne
Tonchev, Vladimir
Traldi, Lorenzo
Trenk, Ann
Trenkler, Marián
Trotter, William T.
Van Aken, Troy D. ?
Vance, Todd D. ?
Vazirani, Monica
Velucchi, Mario
Vijayakumar, Ambat
Vinokur, Alex
Voloshin, Vitaly
Vrto, Imrich
Vu, Van H.
Vuillon, Laurent
Wachs, Michelle
Wagner, David G.
Wagner, Dorothea
Walsh, Matt
Wang, Yi
Wanless, Ian
Ward, Mark Daniel
Wei, Ruizhong
Weihe, Karsten
Weintraub, Andrés
Welker, Volkmar
West, Douglas B.
White, Neil L.
Wild, Marcel
Wilf, Herbert S.
Williams, Lauren
van Willigenburg, Stephanie
Wilson, David
Wilson, Mark
Winkel, Rudolf
Woeginger, Gerhard
Woldar, Andrew
Wormald, Nick
Wu, Jian-Liang
Wu, Shiquan
Zanella, Corrado
Zanello, Fabrizio
Zeilberger, Doron
Zémor, Gilles
Zeng, Jiang
Zhang, Cun-Quan
Zhang, Ke-Min
Ziegler, Günter
Zieschang, Paul-Hermann
Zuther, Joerg
The links marked with a question mark appear to be broken.
Please tell us
if you know how to fix them.
The Department of Discrete and Statistical Sciences,
Auburn, Alabama, USA.
Centre for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science,
University of Auckland, New Zealand.
The Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
Departament de Matematica Aplicada i Telematica
Research Group on Graph Theory and Combinatorics
Algorithmische und Diskrete Mathematik, TU Berlin
Laboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en Informatique,
Bordeaux, France.
- The Discrete Mathematics Group in
- Research group on "Incidence Geometry",
Ghent University, Belgium
- The Algorithms
Project at INRIA (France)
British Combinatorial Committee
The Centre for Discrete and Applicable
Mathematics, London School of Economics, London, UK.
combinatorics group in Gothenburg, Sweden.
The Institut Gaspard Monge
Université de Marne-la-Vallee, Marne La Vallee, France.
Laboratoire d'Informatique Algorithmique : Fondements et Applications,
University Paris 7 and CNRS, France
- Laboratoire de Combinatoire et d'Information Mathematique du
Universite de Quebec a Montreal, Montreal, Canada.
Centre for Discrete Mathematics and Computing,
University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.
The Department of Combinatorics and Optimization,
University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada.
Combinatorial Potlach, in the area of Puget Sound, North America.
Discrete structures, Zurich, Switzerland.
- The
combinatorics group at Reykjavik University, Iceland.
- The
Algorithms and Complexity group, Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique,
Paris, France.
- The
Ottawa-Carleton Discrete Mathematics Group, Ottawa, Canada.
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