B.Ernst --
On a diophantine equation involving factorials
D. Acu --
On the inequality of Mathieu
Luciana Lupas --
On Newton Interpolation Formula
A. Branga --
A property of divided differences with multiple nodes
A. Branga --
A fundamental property of of B-splines
Petru T. Craciunas --
On the Sobolev Spaces (I)
I. Pienaru --
Remarks on the Gamma and Beta distributions
J. Sandor, Gh. Toader, I. Rasa --
The construction of some means
Gh. Toader, I. Rasa --
Some inequalities with integral means
P. Dicu, M. Acu --
On the inequality of Mathieu
Horiana Ovesea, Irinel Radomir, R.N. Pascu --
A sufficient condition for univalency
E. Draghici --
A general class of starlike integral operators defined on the class of
functions with bounded operators argument rotation
Amelia Bucur --
The fine spectre of some Cesaro generalized operators defined on l^p