Journal for Geometry and Graphics

ISSN 1433-8157 · Electronic Edition

Editorial Board

G. Bertoline (West Lafayette), Y. Charit (Haifa), Chen Jiannan (Beijing), L. D. Goss (Evansville), J. Hoschek (Darmstadt), S. Ino (Hokkaido), R. D. Jenison (Ames), C. Leopold (Kaiserslautern), E. Molnár (Budapest), S. Nagano (Tokyo), M. Palej (Gliwice), K. Suzuki (Tokyo), J. P. Tschupik (Innsbruck), G. Weiß (Dresden), K. Yoshida (Osaka)

Managing Editors
R. E. Barr (Austin), M. Kato (Tokyo), H. Stachel (Vienna)

The concern of this international scientific journal is to stimulate scientific research and teaching methodology in the field of graphics and graphics-related geometry by the dissemination of new results. The published papers are ordered into three groups: Theoretical Graphics (Section 1), Applications (Section 2), Graphics Education (Section 3).

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