Publications de l'Institut Mathématique, Nouvelle Série Vol. 81(95), pp. 111–117 (2007) |
Constructions of $(2,n)$-varieties of groupoids for $n=7,8,9$Lidija Goracinova-Ilieva, Smile MarkovskiUniversity "Goce Delcev"-Stip, "Ss Cyril and Methodius"-SkopjeAbstract: Given positive integer $n>2$, an algebra is said to be a $(2,n)$-algebra if any of its subalgebras generated by two distinct elements has $n$ elements. A variety is called a $(2,n)$-variety if every algebra in that variety is a $(2,n)$-algebra. There are known only $(2,3)$-, $(2,4)$- and $(2,5)$-varieties of groupoids, and there is no $(2,6)$-variety. We present here $(2,n)$-varieties of groupoids for $n=7,8,9$. Classification (MSC2000): 03C05; 20N05 Full text of the article: (for faster download, first choose a mirror)
Electronic fulltext finalized on: 20 Feb 2008. This page was last modified: 26 Feb 2008.
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