Surveys in Mathematics and its Applications

ISSN 1842-6298 (electronic), 1843-7265 (print)
Volume 15 (2020), 281 -- 293

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Thuat Do, Hai Dinh Hoang, Truong Dinh Tu

Abstract. This paper presents the right-left symmetry of the CS and max-min CS conditions on nonsingular rings, and generalization to nonsingular modules. We prove that a ring is right nonsingular right CS and left Utumi if and only if it is left nonsingular left CS and right Utumi. A nonsingular Utumi ring is right max (resp. right min, right max-min) CS if and only if it is left min (resp. left max, left max-min) CS. In addition, a semiprime nonsingular ring is right max-min CS with finite right uniform dimension if and only if it is left max-min CS with finite left uniform dimension.

2020 Mathematics Subject Classification: 16D70, 16S50
Keywords: CS modules, max-min CS rings, nonsingular rings, semiprime rings, Utumi rings

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Truong Dinh Tu (corresponding author)
Faculty of Information Technology,
Ton Duc Thang University,
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

Hai Dinh Hoang
International Cooperation Office,
Hong Duc University,
565 Quang Trung St, Dong Ve ward, Thanh Hoa city, Vietnam.

Thuat Do
Institute of Research and Development,
Duy Tan University,
Da Nang 550000, Vietnam.
Department of Science and Technology,
Nguyen Tat Thanh University,
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.