Linux IPMI Test Suite --------------------- Use testsuites for major open source applications as a "starter" testsuite for both vendors and users. Vendors get extra testing and some assurance open source projects will work with their hardware. Users of IPMI (including someone like Cyclades) get extra assurance their technology will work with certain hardware. Open source projects get more testing of their tools. Combination of multiple projects covers more IPMI functionality than any one project (can likely) cover on their own. TODOS: Zresearch - Start on FreeIPMI Testsuite LLNL - Get/devel IPMItool testsuite, speak to OpenIPMI author General todo: Try to build momentum on this. IPMItool + Ipmipower: --------------------- Idea is HPC features of Ipmipower would be very useful in Ipmitool. Ipmitool would get HPC features and Ipmipower gets more IPMI specification coverage. Interest: Cyclades TODO: Continue discussions on it with Ipmitool author. Just need to start. ICTS ---- Why is the ICTS testsuite only available to "IPMI Adopters". This is stupid, users want it too for testing. TODO: Zresearch, LLNL, anyone: Bug Intel people. FreeIPMI in Redhat ------------------ Get vendor support by getting FreeIPMI into RHEL. TODO: LLNL and SLAC will bug Redhat on our weekly conference calls. FreeIPMI TODOS -------------- Zresearch TODO: Raw Hex command support Zresearch TODO: Perl/Python Bindings(?) (Al: Sorry, my notes weren't clear, I'm not sure.) Zresearch TODO: Adveritse/document Guile, point to howto's, supply templates Web GUI/Windows Compilation of FreeIPMI --------------------------------------- I don't know if we came to a conclusion, I can't remember. Sorry. Maybe vendors can tell us if this is important to them and would make them more interested in FreeIPMI. FreeIPMI Coding --------------- CVS Tagging: Announce to freeipmi-devel before making a release tag. CVS branching: Branch experimental code and work independently until it is reasonably complete. Then merge into head. Incomplete changes or major architectural changes (i.e. UDM would have fallen under this) aren't submitted into the head until completion. fiid_template_t: We will always stay to spec. Never deviate! fiid_template_t/fiid_obj_t reorganization: We will all think about it and discuss further on the mailing list. There are many different methods to re-architect the underlying objects to meet this need. lan session management in libfreeipmie: We all agreed that session management is getting more difficult in IPMI 2.0. A rearchitect or new set of APIs may be necessary to make session management manageable. libfreeipmi re-org: The directory libfreeipmi/src/ is large and big. We agreed that subsections of the library could be put in subdirectories or organized in some better manner. LGPL: We need to consider LGPLing libfreeipmi for the potential it may be used by more vendors. To be discussed in more detail on the mailing list. UDM: One remaining big bug. Another set of eyes would be useful, so Al Chu will try and hunt this one down. Multihost LAN API: Many possible implementations and API possibilities. We'll all think about it and discuss further on the mailing list.