Apache2-MultiAuth version 0.0.1 # $id$ NAME Apache2::MultiAuth - Use a number of authentication modules at runtime SYNOPSIS use Apache2::MultiAuth; Insert the something like the following into you apache configuration file(s) PerlLoadModule Apache2::MultiAuth AuthName Test AuthType Basic # PerlSetVars for various Auth* modules # These here are example values for Apache2::AuthenSmb PerlSetVar myPDC SAMBA PerlSetVar myDOMAIN ARBEITSGRUPPE # These here are example values for Apache2::AuthNetLDAP PerlSetVar BindDN "uid=user1,ou=people,o=acme.com" #optional PerlSetVar BindPWD "password" #optional # Define order and class of Auth modules to try AuthModule Apache2::AuthNetLDAP Apache::AuthenNIS Apache2::AuthenSmb PerlAuthenHandler Apache2::MultiAuth require valid-user The new directive that that Apache2::MultiAuth Provides is AuthModule with the syntax AuthModule ..... Apache2::MultiAuth does not provide any mechanism to controll the configuration of the auth modules that is will be consulting. Please look the individual modules documentation for specific configuration. DESCRIPTION Apache2::MultiAuth allows you to specify multiple authentication modules, to be tried in order. If any module in the list returns OK, then the user is considered authenticated; if none return OK, then the MultiAuth module returns AUTH_REQUIRED and the user is reprompted for credentials. This, depending on the browser, results in a 401 authorization required message. This is useful for cases where, for example, you have several authentication schemes: for example, NIS, SMB, and htpasswd, and some of your users are only registered in some of the auth databases. Using Apache::MultiAuth, they can be queried in order until the right one is found. In the event that one of these modules returns OK, a note named "AuthenticatedBy" will be set, which contains the name of the module that returned OK, like so: $my $table = APR::Table::make( APR::Pool->new, 1); $table->set("AuthenticatedBy",$module); $r->notes($table); This can be retrieved by any handler that runs after the authentication phase, and can be very useful in logging: CustomLog "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b %{AuthenticatedBy}n" common_auth The last field in the common_auth log format will be the name of the module that handled the authentication. INTERFACE Apache2::MultiAUth is does not have a pgrammable interface, although placing PerlSetVar multiauth_print_modules 1 in your apache configuration file will force Apache2::MultiAuth to report the Authenication modules that is it using to the apache log at the log level of warn. INSTALLATION To install this module, run the following commands: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install DEPENDENCIES mod_perl2 AUTHORS Alex Sayle Apache2::MultiAuth was adapted from Apache::MultiAuth which was created by Stathy G. Touloumis Marcel M. Weber Darren Chamberlain COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Copyright (C) 2007, Alex Sayle This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.