Bundle::AMBS ============ =head1 NAME Bundle::AMBS - install all modules by AMBS =head1 SYNOPSIS cpan Bundle::AMBS =head1 CONTENTS Acme::Lisp Biblio::Catalog Biblio::Thesaurus Biblio::WebPortal Lingua::EN::NamedEntity Lingua::PT::Abbrev Lingua::PT::PLN Lingua::PT::PLNbase Lingua::PT::ProperNames String::Tokeniser Tie::Cvs Tie::Ispell XML::DT XML::TMX XML::XCES =head1 AUTHOR Alberto Simões, C<< >> =head1 COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2004 Alberto Simões, All Rights Reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. 1; # End of Bundle::AMBS