Note from the CPAN administration: The CGI::Lite module seems to be abandoned by its original author. We cannot contact him anymore. The 2.0 release has been made on 2000-08-20. This 2.001 release is just an emergency release that fixes the most urgent security need. It is not endorsed by the original author. It was put together by me after the advisory on the bugtraq mailing list. Thanks to Ronald F. Guilmette for bringing up this issue. I do not and will not maintain CGI::Lite and would welcome volunteers to take it over. 2002-02-17 andreas koenig CGI::Lite v2.0 -------------- You can use this module to decode form and query information, including file uploads, as well as cookies in a very simple manner; you need not concern yourself with the actual details behind the decoding process. Here are the changes for this version: Name change: the module once known as CGI_Lite is now CGI::Lite. Here are the changes for previous versions: 1.9 In order to use CGI_Lite in a persistant application (e.g. using FCGI or mod_perl), each new request must be parsed afresh - that is, the CGI object's state needs to be reset for each request. The new function parse_new_form_data() clears the CGI object's state before calling parse_form_data(). e.g. use FCGI; use CGI_Lite; $cgi = new CGI_Lite; while(FCGI::accept() >= 0) { $form = $cgi->parse_new_form_data; print("Content-type: text/html\r\n\r\n"); $cgi->print_data; }