NAME Data::Object::Autobox - An Autobox Implementation for Perl 5 VERSION version 0.05 SYNOPSIS use Data::Object::Autobox; my $input = [1,1,1,1,3,3,2,1,5,6,7,8,9]; my $output = $input->grep('$a < 5')->unique->sort; # [1,2,3] $output->isa('Data::Object::Array'); $output->join(', '); # 1,2,3 DESCRIPTION Data::Object::Autobox implements autoboxing via autobox to provide boxing for native Perl 5 data types. This functionality is provided by Data::Object which provides a collection of object classes for handling SCALAR, ARRAY, HASH, CODE, INTEGER, FLOAT, NUMBER, STRING, UNDEF, and UNIVERSAL data type operations. Data::Object provides its own boxing strategy in that every method call which would normally return a native data type will return a data type object, but this functionality requires an initial data type object. Data::Object::Autobox makes it so that you do not need to explicitly create the initial data type object, and once the initial autobox method call is made, the Data::Object boxing takes over. Note: This is an early release available for testing and feedback and as such is subject to change. Array Methods Array methods are called on array references, for example, using "$array->method(@args)", which will act on the $array reference and will return a new data type object. Many array methods are simply wrappers around core functions, but there are additional operations and modifications to core behavior. Array methods are handled via the Data::Object::Array object class which is provided to the autobox ARRAY option. Code Methods Code methods are called on code references, for example, using "$code->method(@args)", which will act on the $code reference and will return a new data type object. Many code methods are simply wrappers around core functions, but there are additional operations and modifications to core behavior. Code methods are handled via the Data::Object::Code object class which is provided to the autobox CODE option. Float Methods Float methods are called on float values, for example, using "$float->method(@args)", which will act on the $float value and will return a new data type object. Many float methods are simply wrappers around core functions, but there are additional operations and modifications to core behavior. Float methods are handled via the Data::Object::Float object class which is provided to the autobox FLOAT option. Hash Methods Hash methods are called on hash references, for example, using "$hash->method(@args)", which will act on the $hash reference and will return a new data type object. Many hash methods are simply wrappers around core functions, but there are additional operations and modifications to core behavior. Hash methods are handled via the Data::Object::Hash object class which is provided to the autobox HASH option. Integer Methods Integer methods are called on integer values, for example, using "$integer->method(@args)", which will act on the $integer value and will return a new data type object. Many integer methods are simply wrappers around core functions, but there are additional operations and modifications to core behavior. Integer methods are handled via the Data::Object::Integer object class which is provided to the autobox INTEGER option. Number Methods Number methods are called on number values, for example, using "$number->method(@args)", which will act on the $number value and will return a new data type object. Many number methods are simply wrappers around core functions, but there are additional operations and modifications to core behavior. Number methods are handled via the Data::Object::Number object class which is provided to the autobox NUMBER option. Scalar Methods Scalar methods are called on scalar references and values, for example, using "$scalar->method(@args)", which will act on the $scalar reference and will return a new data type object. Many scalar methods are simply wrappers around core functions, but there are additional operations and modifications to core behavior. Scalar methods are handled via the Data::Object::Scalar object class which is provided to the autobox SCALAR option. String Methods String methods are called on string values, for example, using "$string->method(@args)", which will act on the $string value and will return a new data type object. Many string methods are simply wrappers around core functions, but there are additional operations and modifications to core behavior. String methods are handled via the Data::Object::String object class which is provided to the autobox STRING option. Undef Methods Undef methods are called on undef values, for example, using "$undef->method(@args)", which will act on the $undef value and will return a new data type object. Many undef methods are simply wrappers around core functions, but there are additional operations and modifications to core behavior. Undef methods are handled via the Data::Object::Undef object class which is provided to the autobox STRING option. Universal Methods Universal methods can be called on any values, for example, using "$universal->method(@args)", which will act on the reference or value and will return a new data type object. Many universal methods are simply wrappers around core functions, but there are additional operations and modifications to core behavior. Universal methods are handled via the Data::Object::Universal object class which is provided to the autobox UNIVERSAL option. SEE ALSO * Data::Object AUTHOR Al Newkirk COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Al Newkirk. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.