# NAME Data::Object::Prototype - Data::Object Prototype-based Programming # VERSION version 0.03 # SYNOPSIS use Data::Object::Prototype; # DESCRIPTION Data::Object::Prototype implements a thin prototype-like layer on top of the [Data::Object](https://metacpan.org/pod/Data::Object) data-type object framework. This module allows you to develop using a prototype-based style in Perl, giving you the ability to create, mutate, extend, mixin, and destroy anonymous classes, ad hoc and with very little code. Prototype-based programming is a style of object-oriented programming in which classes are not present, and behavior reuse (known as inheritance in class-based languages) is performed via a process of cloning existing objects that serve as prototypes. Due to familiarity with class-based languages such as Java, many programmers assume that object-oriented programming is synonymous with class-based programming. However, class-based programming is just one kind of object-oriented programming style, and other varieties exist such as role-oriented, aspect-oriented and prototype-based programming. A prominent example of a prototype-based programming language is ECMAScript (a.k.a. JavaScript or JScript). **Note: This is an early release available for testing and feedback and as such is subject to change.** # AUTHOR Al Newkirk # COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Al Newkirk. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.