NAME Mojolicious::Plugin::RoutesConfig - Describe routes in configuration SYNOPSIS # Create $MOJO_HOME/etc/routes.conf and describe your routes # or do it directly in $MOJO_HOME/${\ $app->moniker }.conf { routes => [ {get => '/groups', to => 'groups#list', name => 'list_groups'}, {post => '/groups', to => 'groups#create'}, {any => {[qw(GET POST)] => '/users'}, to => 'users#list_or_create'}, ], } # Mojolicious my $config = $app->plugin('Config'); # or even my $config = $app->plugin('RoutesConfig'); # or $app->plugin('RoutesConfig', $config); $app->plugin('RoutesConfig', {file => $app->home->child('etc/routes_admin.conf')}); $app->plugin('RoutesConfig', {file => $app->home->child('etc/routes_site.conf')}); # Mojolicious::Lite my $config = plugin 'Config'; plugin 'RoutesConfig', $config; plugin 'RoutesConfig', {file => app->home->child('etc/routes_admin.conf')}; plugin 'RoutesConfig', {file => app->home->child('etc/routes_site.conf')}; DESCRIPTION Mojolicious::Plugin::RoutesConfig allows you to define your routes in configuration file or in a separate file, for example "$MOJO_HOME/etc/plugins/routes.conf". This way you can quickly enable and disable parts of your application without editing its source code. The routes are described the same way as you would generate them imperatively, just instead of methods you use method names as keys and suitable references as values which will be dereferenced and passed as arguments to the respective method. If $parameters is a reference to CODE it will be executed and whatever it returns will be the parameters for the respective method.For allowed keys look at "METHODS" in Mojolicious::Routes::Route. Look at "t/blog/etc/complex_routes.conf" for inspiration. You can have all your routes defined in the configuration file as it is Perl and you have the "app" object available. METHODS Mojolicious::Plugin::RoutesConfig inherits all methods from Mojolicious::Plugin::Config and implements the following new ones. register my $config = $plugin->register(Mojolicious->new, $config); my $config = $plugin->register($app, {file => '/etc/app_routes.conf'}); Register the plugin in Mojolicious application and generate routes. AUTHOR Красимир Беров CPAN ID: BEROV berov ат cpan точка org COPYRIGHT This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of Artistic License 2.0. The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module. SEE ALSO Mojolicious::Routes, Mojolicious::Routes::Route, Mojolicious::Plugin::Config