This README describes the BGPmon Archiver. DESCRIPTION ------------ The BGPmon Archiver will connect to a BGPmon instance and write the XML output to disk, one message per line. Messages are organized according to the peer address. Depending on the options specified, the XML message is translated to a pipe ('|') delimited format, similar to the one produced by libbgpdump. INSTALLATION ------------- perl Makefile.PL make make install Copy the sample configuration file from the etc/ directory and put it in a standard location. Change the paths specified by the 'directory' and 'peerdirectory' parameters to the appropriate paths for your setup. If you want to control the archiver via the system's init processes, copy the bgpmon-archiver script from the scripts/ directory to /etc/init.d. This script expects that the archiver process will be run by user 'bgpmon'. If you plan to use a different user to run the archiver, edit this script and change '--user bgpmon' to the user you would like to use. Next, make the script executable: chmod +x /etc/init.d/bgpmon-archiver If you would like the archiver to start up automatically each time the machine restarts/reboots, do the following: On Ubuntu: update-rc.d bgpmon-archiver defaults On Fedora: chkconfig --level 12345 bgpmon-archiver on DEPENDENCIES ------------- POSIX File::Path BGPmon::Log BGPmon::Fetch BGPmon::Translator::XFB2BGPdump BGPmon::Translator::XFB2PerlHash::Simple Cwd AUTHOR ------- Kaustubh Gadkari