o Version This is Bioperl-ext release version 1.4, 22 Dec 2003 o Summary This is the directory for the Bioperl C compiled Extensions. These currently include: Bio::Ext::Align (Ewan Birney and Yee Man Chan ) Bio::SeqIO::staden::read (Aaron Mackey ) o Installing Depending on your choise of extensions, you might need Inline::MakeMaker and Inline::C to create the makefile. Use for example the cpan program to install Inline::MakeMaker and answer yes when prompted to install Inline::C. To install all of the extension packages, you can use the top-level Makefile.PL (present in the same directory you're reading this README from) (Make sure you read the various notes below about each package before doing this!): perl Makefile.PL make make test make install (may need root permissions) To install only the individual extensions you wish to have, change directories into each and use the Makefile.PL found there; for example: cd Bio/Ext/Align perl Makefile.PL make make test (should print out alignment on STDERR) make install (probably need root permissions). o Notes for Bio::Ext::Align Although these extensions can be called by themselves, they really need the main bioperl distribution to drive them. The modules which do this are Bio::Tools::pSW - makes Smith-Waterman alignments for DNA Bio::Tolls::dpAlign - makes Smith-Waterman alignments for proteins Bio::SearchDist - deals with EVD fitting of extreme value distributions For more information on how to use these modules, read their own documentation (perldoc Bio::Tools::pSW ...) o Notes for Bio::SeqIO::staden::read This extension needs the rest of the main bioperl distribution to function properly. It is only useful as a helper module for the SeqIO system to read sequence trace files handled by the Staden package's io_lib "read" library. You should have this library installed prior to installing Bio::SeqIO::staden::read, it's currently available at: ftp://ftp.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/pub/staden/io_lib/ Many users have noted that the io_lib install process often forgets to install the "os.h" file along with the rest of the include files; you may have to do this manually. The bioperl-ext make process will prompt you for the LIB and INCLUDE locations (usually /usr/local/lib and usr/local/include/io_lib, respectively) of the io_lib "libread" library and Read.h header files, after trying to automatically find them. You may also specify these via the environment variables "IOLIB_LIB" and "IOLIB_INC", or via identically named options to perl Makefile.PL: perl Makefile.PL IOLIB_LIB=/opt/lib IOLIB_INC=/opt/include/io_lib Ignore any warnings about these options being unknown to MakeMaker. A failed compilation is most likely due to an incomplete io_lib installation; make sure that all the required io_lib ".h" files are in place.