___ ______ ______ |_ _|_ __ ___ __ _ __ _ ___ _ _ / ___\ \ / / ___| _ _ | || '_ ` _ \ / _` |/ _` |/ _ \ (_|_) \___ \\ \ / / | _ (_|_) | || | | | | | (_| | (_| | __/ _ _ ___) |\ V /| |_| | _ _ |___|_| |_| |_|\__,_|\__, |\___| (_|_) |____/ \_/ \____| (_|_) |___/ ____ _ _ | _ \ __ _| |_| |__ | |_) / _` | __| '_ \ | __/ (_| | |_| | | | |_| \__,_|\__|_| |_| This is the README for Image::SVG::Path version 0.23. Image::SVG::Path is a "module" for the Perl computer programming language, a library of computer code to install on a computer. This document contains four sections: 1. About - what the module does 2. Documentation - how to learn more about the module 3. Installation - how to install this module on a computer 4. Help - what to do if you get stuck ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. ABOUT Image::SVG::Path - read the "d" attribute of an SVG path This module extracts information contained in the "d" attribute of an SVG element and turns it into a simpler series of steps. For example, an SVG element might take the form new (Handlers => {Start => \& start}); $p->parsefile ($file) or die "Error $file: "; sub start { my ($expat, $element, %attr) = @_; if ($element eq 'path') { my $d = $attr{d}; my @r = extract_path_info ($d); # Do something with path info in @r } } SVG means "scalable vector graphics" and it is a standard of the W3 consortium. See "SVG standards" for details. Although SVG is a type of XML, the text in the "d" attribute of SVG paths is not XML but a condensed form using single letters and numbers. This module is a parser for that condensed format. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. DOCUMENTATION You can read the documentation for the module online at the following websites: * http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Image::SVG::Path * http://metacpan.org/release/Image-SVG-Path (These links go to the latest version of the module.) After installing the module, you can read the documentation on your computer using perldoc Image::SVG::Path ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. INSTALLATION This module requires Perl version 5.6.1 or later. To install the module from CPAN, use cpan Image::SVG::Path If you have the App::cpanminus installer, you may prefer cpanm Image::SVG::Path To install the module from the source file, Image-SVG-Path-0.23.tar.gz, follow this sequence of commands: tar xfz Image-SVG-Path-0.23.tar.gz cd Image-SVG-Path-0.23 perl Makefile.PL make make install If you want to test the module before installing it, use "make test" after "make" and before "make install". ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. HELP To get help with the module, you can email the author, Ben Bullock, at . If you think there is a problem in the module, you can report a bug at , or if you want to alter the source code of Image::SVG::Path, try the public repository on github at . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This README was written on Wed Aug 10 05:47:38 2016. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------