SYNOPSIS use WebService::Images::IMGSpot; my $imgspot = WebService::Images::IMGSpot->new(); $imgspot->upload({ file => '/path/to/file.png' }); # ... or $imgspot->upload('/path/to/yet_another_file.png'); $imgspot->host('/path/to/yet_another_file.png'); DESCRIPTION "WebService::Images::IMGSpot" uploads a file to for you, as long as the file is not bigger than 650 KB, and the format is .JPG, .JPEG, .GIF, and .PNG. METHODS new "new" creates a new WebService::Images::IMGSpot object. options user_agent Returns or sets the LWP::UserAgent object used internally so that it can the customised. upload This method takes either a scalar (like Image::ImageShack) or a hashref (like WebService::Images::Nofrag). It will do some basic checking and croaks where it sees fit ;-) The method returns the URL of where your image is hosted. host An alias for the method upload (just like Image::ImageShack. url "url" is a method that can be called after upload, to retrieve the URL to the hosted image (just like WebService::Images::Nofrag). BUGS Please report any found bugs to or contact the author. AUTHOR M. Blom, , COPYRIGHT This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module. NOTE: Please see for the Terms of Service of IMGSpot. SEE ALSO *