NAME Log::Handler - Log messages to several outputs. SYNOPSIS use Log::Handler; my $log = Log::Handler->new(); $log->add(file => { filename => 'file.log', mode => 'append', maxlevel => 'debug', minlevel => 'warning', newline => 1, }); $log->warning("a warinng here"); DESCRIPTION The "Log::Handler" is a object oriented handler for logging, tracing and debugging. It is very easy to use and provides a simple interface for multiple output objects with lots of configuration parameters. You can easily filter the amount of logged information on a per-output base, define priorities and create patterns to format the messages. See the documentation for details. LOG LEVELS There are eigth levels available: 7 debug 6 info 5 notice 4 warning, warn 3 error, err 2 critical, crit 1 alert 0 emergency, emerg "debug" is the highest and "emergency" is the lowest level. Level "debug" is the highest level because it basically says to log every peep. METHODS new() Call "new()" to create a new log handler object. my $log = Log::Handler->new(); add() Call "add()" to add a new output object. The following options are possible for the handler: maxlevel and minlevel With these options it's possible to set the log levels for your program. Example: maxlevel => 'error' minlevel => 'emergency' # or maxlevel => 'err' minlevel => 'emerg' # or maxlevel => 3 minlevel => 0 It's possible to set the log level as string or as number. The default setting for "maxlevel" is "warning" and the default setting for "minlevel" is "emergency". Example: If "maxlevel" is set to "warning" and "minlevel" to "emergency" then the levels "warning", "error", "critical", "alert" and "emergency" would be logged. You can set both to 8 or "nothing" if you want to disable the logging machine. timeformat The option "timeformat" is used to set the format for the placeholder %T. The string is converted with "POSIX::strftime". The default format is set to "%b %d %H:%M:%S" and looks like Feb 01 12:56:31 If you would set the format to "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S" it would looks like 2007/02/01 12:56:31 dateformat This options works like "timeformat". You can set a format that is used for the placeholder %D. It's just useful if you want to split the date and time: $log->add(file => { filename => 'file.log', dateformat => '%Y-%m-%d', timeformat => '%H:%M:%S', message_layout => '%D %T %L %m', }); $log->error("an error here"); This looks like 2007-02-01 12:56:31 ERROR an error here This option is not used by default. newline This helpful option appends a newline to the message if a newline not exist. 0 - do nothing (default) 1 - append a newline if not exist message_layout With this option it's possible to create your own message layout with different placeholders in "printf()" style. The available placeholders are: %L Log level %T Time or full timestamp (option timeformat) %D Date (option dateformat) %P PID %H Hostname %N Newline %S Program name %C Caller - filename and line number %p Caller - package name %f Caller - file name %l Caller - line number %s Caller - subroutine name %r Runtime in seconds since program start %t Time measurement - replaced with the time since the last call of $level %m Message %% Procent The default message layout is set to "%T [%L] %m". As example the following code $log->alert("foo bar"); would log Feb 01 12:56:31 [ALERT] foo bar If you set "message_layout" to message_layout => '%T foo %L bar %m (%C)' and call $log->info("baz"); then it would log Feb 01 12:56:31 foo INFO bar baz (, line 40) Traces will be appended after the complete message. You can create your own placeholders with the method "set_pattern()". message_pattern This option is just useful if you want to forward messages to output modules that needs the parts of a message as a hash reference - as example Log::Handler::Output::Forward, Log::Handler::Output::DBI or Log::Handler::Output::Screen. The option expects a list of placeholders: # as a array reference message_pattern => [ qw/%T %L %H %m/ ] # or as a string message_pattern => '%T %L %H %m' The patterns will be replaced with real names as hash keys. %L level %T time %D date %P pid %H hostname %N newline %r runtime %C caller %p package %f filename %l line %s subroutine %S progname %t mtime %m message Here a full code example: use Log::Handler; my $log = Log::Handler->new(); $log->add(forward => { forward_to => \&my_func, message_pattern => [ qw/%T %L %H %m/ ], message_layout => '%m', maxlevel => 'info', }); $log->info('a forwarded message'); # now you can access it sub my_func { my $msg = shift; print "Timestamp: $msg->{time}\n"; print "Level: $msg->{level}\n"; print "Hostname: $msg->{hostname}\n"; print "Message: $msg->{message}\n"; } priority With this option you can set the priority of your output objects. This means that messages will be logged at first to the outputs with a higher priority. If this option is not set then the default priority begins with 10 and will be increased +1 with each output. Example: We add a output with no priority $log->add(file => { filename => 'file.log' }); This output gets the priority of 10. Now we add another output $log->add(file => { filename => 'file.log' }); This output gets the priority of 11... and so on. Messages would be logged at first to the output with the priority of 10 and to the output with the priority of 11. Now you can add another output and set the priority to 1. $log->add(screen => { dump => 1, priority => 1 }); Messages would be logged now at first to the screen. die_on_errors Set "die_on_errors" to 0 if you don't want that the handler dies on failed write operations. 0 - to disable it 1 - to enable it If you set "die_on_errors" to 0 then you have to controll it yourself. $log->info('info message') or die $log->errstr(); # or Log::Handler->errstr() # or Log::Handler::errstr() # or $Log::Handler::ERRSTR filter_message With this option it's possible to set a filter. If the filter is set then only messages will be logged that match the filter. You can pass a regexp, a code reference or a simple string. Example: $log->add(file => { filename => 'file.log', mode => 'append', newline => 1, maxlevel => 6, filter_message => qr/log this/, # or # filter_message => 'log this', # filter_message => '^log only this$', }); $log->info('log this'); $log->info('but not that'); If you pass your own code then you have to check the message yourself. $log->add(file => { filename => 'file.log', mode => 'append', newline => 1, maxlevel => 6, filter_message => \&my_filter }); # return TRUE if you want to log the message, FALSE if not sub my_filter { my $msg = shift; $msg->{message} =~ /your filter/; } It's also possible to define a simple condition with matches. Just pass a hash reference with the options "matchN" and "condition". Example: $log->add(file => { filename => 'file.log', mode => 'append', newline => 1, maxlevel => 6, filter_message => { match1 => 'log this', match2 => qr/with that/, match3 => '(?:or this|or that)', condition => '(match1 && match2) || match3', } }); NOTE that re-eval in regexes is not valid! Something like match1 => '(?{unlink("file.txt")})' would cause an error! filter_caller You can use this option to set a package name. Only messages from this packages will be logged. Example: my $log = Log::Handler->new(); $log->add(screen => { maxlevel => 'info', newline => 1, filter_caller => qr/^Foo::Bar$/, # or # filter_caller => '^Foo::Bar$', }); package Foo::Bar; $log->info('log this'); package Foo::Baz; $log->info('but not that'); 1; This would only log the message from the package "Foo::Bar". alias You can set an alias if you want to get the output object later. Example: my $log = Log::Handler->new(); $log->add(screen => { maxlevel => 7, alias => 'screen-out', }); my $screen = $log->output('screen-out'); $screen->log(message => 'foo'); # or in one step $log->output('screen-out')->log(message => 'foo'); debug_trace You can activate a debugger that writes "caller()" informations for each active log level. The debugger is logging all defined values except "hints" and "bitmask". Set "debug_trace" to 1 to activate the debugger. The debugger is set to 0 by default. debug_mode There are two debug modes: line(1) and block(2) mode. The default mode is 1. The line mode looks like this: use strict; use warnings; use Log::Handler; my $log = Log::Handler->new() $log->add(file => { filename => '*STDOUT', maxlevel => 'debug', debug_trace => 1, debug_mode => 1 }); sub test1 { $log->warning() } sub test2 { &test1; } &test2; Output: Apr 26 12:54:11 [WARNING] CALL(4): package(main) filename(./ line(15) subroutine(main::test2) hasargs(0) CALL(3): package(main) filename(./ line(13) subroutine(main::test1) hasargs(0) CALL(2): package(main) filename(./ line(12) subroutine(Log::Handler::__ANON__) hasargs(1) CALL(1): package(Log::Handler) filename(/usr/local/share/perl/5.8.8/Log/ line(713) subroutine(Log::Handler::_write) hasargs(1) CALL(0): package(Log::Handler) filename(/usr/local/share/perl/5.8.8/Log/ line(1022) subroutine(Devel::Backtrace::new) hasargs(1) wantarray(0) The same code example but the debugger in block mode would looks like this: debug_mode => 2 Output: Apr 26 12:52:17 [DEBUG] CALL(4): package main filename ./ line 15 subroutine main::test2 hasargs 0 CALL(3): package main filename ./ line 13 subroutine main::test1 hasargs 0 CALL(2): package main filename ./ line 12 subroutine Log::Handler::__ANON__ hasargs 1 CALL(1): package Log::Handler filename /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.8/Log/ line 681 subroutine Log::Handler::_write hasargs 1 CALL(0): package Log::Handler filename /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.8/Log/ line 990 subroutine Devel::Backtrace::new hasargs 1 wantarray 0 debug_skip This option let skip the "caller()" informations the count of "debug_skip". HowTo use add() The method "add()" excepts 2 parts of options; the options for the handler and the options for the output module you want to use. The output modules got it's own documentation for all options. As example if you want to add a file-output then take a look into the documentation of Log::Handler::Output::File to see which options are available. There are different ways to add a new output to the handler. One way is to create the output object yourself and pass it with the handler options to "add()". Example: use Log::Handler; use Log::Handler::Output::File; # the handler options - how to handle the output my %handler_options = ( timeformat => '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S', newline => 1, message_layout => '%T [%L] %S: %m', maxlevel => 'debug', minlevel => 'emergency', die_on_errors => 1, debug_trace => 0, debug_mode => 2, debug_skip => 0, ); # the file options - how to handle the file my %file_options = ( filename => 'file.log', filelock => 1, fileopen => 1, reopen => 1, mode => 'append', autoflush => 1, permissions => '0660', utf8 => 1, ); # create the file object my $file = Log::Handler::Output::File->new( \%file_options ); # create a new handler object my $log = Log::Handler->new(); # now we add the file object to the handler with the handler options $log->add( $file => \%handler_options ); But it can be simplier! You can merge all options and pass them to "add()" in one step, you just need to tell the handler what do you want to add. use Log::Handler; my $log = Log::Handler->new(); $log->add( # what do you want to add - a file output file => { # handler options timeformat => '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S', newline => 1, message_layout => '%T [%L] %S: %m', maxlevel => 'debug', minlevel => 'emergency', die_on_errors => 1, debug_trace => 0, debug_mode => 2, debug_skip => 0, # file options filename => 'file.log', filelock => 1, fileopen => 1, reopen => 1, mode => 'append', autoflush => 1, permissions => '0660', utf8 => 1, } ); The options will be splitted internal and you don't need to split it yourself, only if you want to do it yourself. Take a look to Log::Handler::Examples for more informations. Log level methods debug() info() notice() warning() error(), err() critical(), crit() alert() emergency(), emerg() The call of a log level method is very simple: $log->info("Hello World! How are you?"); Or maybe: $log->info("Hello World!", "How are you?"); Both calls would log - if level INFO is active: Feb 01 12:56:31 [INFO] Hello World! How are you? is_* methods is_debug() is_info() is_notice() is_warning() is_error(), is_err() is_critical(), is_crit() is_alert() is_emergency(), is_emerg() These thirteen methods could be very useful if you want to kwow if the current level would log the message. All methods returns TRUE if the current set of "minlevel" and "maxlevel" would log the message and FALSE if not. Other level methods There exists some other level methods. For a full list take a look into the documentation of Log::Handler::Levels. output() Call "output($alias)" to get the output object that you added with the option "alias". It's possible to access a output directly: $log->output($alias)->log(message => 'booo'); For more informations take a look to the option "alias". flush() Call "flush()" if you want to send flush to all outputs that can flush. Flush means to flush buffers and/or close and re-open outputs. If you want to send it only to some outputs you can pass the aliases. $log->flush(); # flush all $log->flush('foo', 'bar'); # flush only foo and bar If option "die_on_errors" is set to 0 then you can intercept errors with: $log->flush or die $log->errstr; errstr() Call "errstr()" if you want to get the last error message. This is useful if you set "die_on_errors" to 0 and the handler wouldn't die on failed write operations. use Log::Handler; my $log = Log::Handler->new(); $log->add(file => { filename => 'file.log', maxlevel => 'info', mode => 'append', die_on_errors => 0, }); $log->info("Hello World!") or die $log->errstr; Or unless ( $log->info("Hello World!") ) { $error_string = $log->errstr; # do something with $error_string } The exception is that the handler dies in any case if the call of "new()" or "add()" fails because on missing or wrong settings! config() With this method it's possible to load your output configuration from a file. $log->config(config => 'file.conf'); Or $log->config(config => { file => { default => { newline => 1, debug_mode => 2, die_on_errors => 0 }, error_log => { filename => 'error.log', maxlevel => 'warning', minlevel => 'emerg', priority => 1 }, common_log => { filename => 'common.log', maxlevel => 'info', minlevel => 'emerg', priority => 2 }, } }); The key "default" is used here to define default parameters for all file outputs. All other keys ("error_log", "common_log") are used as aliases. Take a look into the documentation of Log::Handler::Config for more informations. set_pattern() With this option you can set your own placeholders. Example: $log->set_pattern('%X', 'key_name', sub { 'value' }); # or $log->set_pattern('%X', 'key_name', 'value'); Then you can use this pattern in your message layout: $log->add(file => { filename => 'file.log', mode => 'append', message_layout => '%X %m%N', }); Or use it with "message_pattern": sub func { my $m = shift; print "$m->{key_name} $m->{message}\n"; } $log->add(forward => { forward_to => \&func, message_pattern => '%X %m', }); Note: valid character for the key name are: "[%\w\-\.]+" EXAMPLES Log::Handler::Examples EXTENSIONS Send me a mail if you have questions. PREREQUISITES Prerequisites for all modules: Perl 5.6.1 Carp Data::Dumper Devel::Backtrace Fcntl Params::Validate POSIX Time::HiRes Sys::Hostname UNIVERSAL::require Recommended modules: Config::General Config::Properties DBI IO::Socket Net::SMTP YAML Just for the test suite: File::Spec Test::More EXPORTS No exports. REPORT BUGS Please report all bugs to . AUTHOR Jonny Schulz . QUESTIONS Do you have any questions or ideas? MAIL: IRC: If you send me a mail then add Log::Handler into the subject. COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2007 by Jonny Schulz. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY BECAUSE THIS SOFTWARE IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE SOFTWARE, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE SOFTWARE "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE SOFTWARE PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR, OR CORRECTION. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR REDISTRIBUTE THE SOFTWARE AS PERMITTED BY THE ABOVE LICENCE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE SOFTWARE TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER SOFTWARE), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.