ABOUT caGrid is a service-oriented platform that supports cutting-edge collaborative e-Science by providing the tools for organizations to integrate data silos, securely share data and compose analysis pipelines. caGrid supports e-Science initiatives in basic, translational, and clinical research. The focus of caGRID at the moment is primarily cancer research, and publicly available data offered by caGRID currently is concerned with proteins and genes and experiments on proteins and genes as they relate to cancer. The modules in this package are dedicated to constructing, validating, and sending CQL queries to caGRID, as CQL is the structured XML query language used in caGRID. INSTALLATION For software requirements and installation details see the INSTALL file. Perl MODULE DOCUMENTATION >perldoc caGRID::CQL1 This will work if you've run 'make install'and Perl knows where to find caGRID::CQL1. Alternatively: >perldoc lib/caGRID/CQL1.pm caGRID DOCUMENTATION http://cagrid.org