=pod =head1 README.client You can use perldoc to read this document: C. This document details all the necc. information to run a DiCoP client. =head1 INSTALLATION This package is a part of the Dicop server/client package and contains all the neccessary parts to run a client, inclusive bundled modules from the Dicop::Base package. =head2 Signature check Before you do anything with the downloaded and extracted package, verify the signature! Download our GnuPG key from http://www.bsi.bund.de/produkte/dicop/download.htm then do: gpg Dicop-Client-3.03.tar.gz.asc (Replace 3.03 by the actual version you got). If the signature does not verify ok, please notify us immidiately. B run perl Makefile.PL or anything else nor install the package when the signature cannot be successfully verified. B. =head2 Installation You can extract it to a separate directory: tar -xzf Dicop-Client-3.00_36.tar.gz (Replace 3.00_36 by the actual version you got). There is no need to install anything. The only thing you might want to do is to edit the configuration file inside C. It is possible to specify the most important options on the command line, though, so you can even skip this step: =over 2 =item rename config file Rename the file C to C. =item edit config file Change the server URL and port settings, and maybe specify the id. =back Here is a sample client start: ./client --id=123456 --server= =head2 Requirements You will need Perl v5.8.1 or better (Perl v5.8.6 recommended), for Windows you need to use ActiveState Perl 8xx from L. For non-Windows you will probably need some additional modules. All of these modules can be found via L. Please see the platform specific README files for more details. =head2 Modules The client needs some additional perl modules to work properly. You can either install all of them at the target machine, or bundle them together with the client (for modules that consist only of pure Perl). See L for how to automatically update the client on each machine. =head2 Supported platforms The client I run under Windows, Linux, MAC OS, BSD, Debian, Solaris etc. OS/2 *should* work, but we could not test this lately due to lack of a working OS/2 system. The client should also work under armv4l linux - but we tested it only one a Compaq iPAQ H3870 running kernel 2.4.18-hh6 with Perl v5.004 and v5.005 in conjunction with C<--via=wget> (since LWP was not easily available). See L for how to obtain and install Linux for the iPAQ. However, we can not guaranty that it will work on your platform. If you experience any problems, please contact us (see below). =head2 Workers A Dicop client will communicate with the Dicop server, maybe via a Dicop proxy. It will also download files from a file server as instructed by the Dicop server. The actual work, however, is done by workers. These workers must be compiled for the platform the client runs under. To develop workers for a Dicop system, please use the Dicop-Workerframe package, as it makes this very easy. =head1 AUTHOR (C) Bundesamt fuer Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik 1998-2006. For licensing information please refer to the LICENSE file. =head2 Contact Please see the C. =cut