=pod =head1 README You can use perldoc to read this document: C. =head1 INSTALLATION Prior to running the server/client you must install it. This document gives you a very broad overview of the necessary steps, for detailed instructions refer please to the L file (f.i. via perldoc INSTALL). =head2 Verify the package Before you do anything with the downloaded package, verify the signature. Download our GnuPG key from http://www.bsi.bund.de/produkte/dicop/download.htm and then check the detachd signature with: gpg --verify Dicop-Server-3.00_87.tar.gz.asc (replace 3.00_87 with the actual version you got) If the signature does not verify ok, please notify us immidiately. B run perl Makefile.PL or anythign else nor install the package when the signature cannot be verified ok. B. =head2 Steps for the first time install 0: Relax. Take a deep breath. Steady yourself. Take a sip of your favourite. 1: Decide what you want to install where. We recommend that you install the server onto one computer first and get it running there. Than install one client at the same machine to test it in conjunction with the server, than follow with clients on different machines. 2: Check that the server/client machines meet the requirements outlined below. If not, upgrade the software/OS (notably Perl) first. 3: Untar/ungzip the server package to an extra directory. 4: Make sure you are able to run the testsuite for the server successfully. You may need to install additional Perl modules to complete this step. 5: Configure the server by running ./setup - it will copy config and template files, create a user/group for it, setup an admin account etc. for you 6: If you got additional worker files, add them to the server under worker/. 6: Run the server and administer it trough a browser to get familiar with it. 7: Untar/ungzip the client package to a separate directory and run it from there. 8: Copy the client to another machine and run it from there. Alternatively, mount the client directory on the server (via NFS/Samba whatever) and run the client from there. 9: Enjoy ;) For further information, please see C. =head2 Requirements You will need Perl v5.8.3 or better, preferable Perl v5.8.6, to run the server. The client needs only Perl v5.6.x (for Windows use ActiveState Perl from http://www.activestate.com). The cgi-bin version C exists no longer, you need to use the daemon version C to run a server. You also need an HTTP or FTP server to serve the clients with files. The actual file server can run on a different machine. However, it is easier to run the file server on the same machine than the DiCoP server, since it can then access and serve the worker files from the DiCoP worker and target directories directly, which saves you from syncing these directories. =over 2 =item daemon When the daemon is running, you can connect to it via a web browser by using and it should return the main page. =back If the daemon is running at another machine, simple connect to it like you would connect to any other web browser, by using the correct IP and port. You can use the perl documentation utility perldoc to get more information. The documentation is located in the subdirectory C. Use C, C or C to read more. =head2 Hardware The machine to run the server should have at least 64 MB (no X-Windows) or 128 MB (with X-Windows), so that no swapping occurs. A 200 Mhz x86 CPU does just fine for a couple hundred clients, although having one or more Ghz and a GigaByte or two RAM never hurt ;) =head2 Supported platforms The server was tested successfully under the following platforms: Windows (testsuite only, we do not recommend running the server under Windows): ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Activestate Perl 5.6.0 build 617 nmake from VC++ v6.0 Linux SuSE ---------- Perl v5.005_3 no longer tested nor supported Perl v5.6.x no longer tested nor supported Perl v5.7.2 (former) development machine, no longer tested nor supported Perl v5.8.3 development Perl v5.8.5, v5.8.6 testing Linux RedHat ------------ Perl v5.6.0 09/2001 - no longer tested nor supported Perl v5.6.1 10/2001 - no longer tested nor supported Debian ------ Perl v5.6.1 02/2003 iPAQ 3870: Perl v5.004 kernel 2.4.18-hh6 on ARM SA1100 iPAQ 3870: Perl v5.005 kernel 2.4.18-hh6 on ARM SA1100 Mac OS X -------- Unknown details, but it worked fine. However, we can not guaranty that it will work. If you experience any problems, please contact us (see below). =head1 AUTHOR (C) Bundesamt fuer Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik 1998-2006. For licensing information please refer to the LICENSE file. =head2 Contact Address: BSI Referat 123 Godesberger Alle 185-189 Bonn 53175 Germany email: dicop @ bsi.bund.de (for public key see dicop.asc) www: http://www.bsi.bund.de/ Please file bugreports to L. =cut