* NAME <#name> * SYNOPSIS <#synopsis> * DESCRIPTION <#description> * OPTIONS <#options> * NOTES <#notes> * AUTHOR <#author> * SEE ALSO <#see also> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME PHP::MySQL_Session - read / write PHP session stored on a MySQL database ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SYNOPSIS use PHP::MySQL_Session; my $session = PHP::MySQL_Session->new($id); # session id my $id = $session->id; # get/set session data my $foo = $session->get('foo'); $session->set(bar => $bar); # remove session data $session->unregister('foo'); # remove all session data $session->unset; # check if data is registered $session->is_registered('bar'); # save session data $session->save; # destroy session $session->destroy; # create session file, if not existent $session = PHP::MySQL_Session->new($new_sid, { create => 1 }); ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DESCRIPTION PHP::MySQL_Session provides a way to read / write PHP4 session data stored on a MySQL database, with which you can make your Perl application session shared with PHP4. If you like Apache::Session interface for session management, there is a glue for Apache::Session of this module, Apache::Session::PHP. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ OPTIONS Constructor new takes some options as hashref. database database where session table lives. default: sessions. table database table where session data is stored. default: sessions. userid MySQL user id. default: phpsession. password MySQL password. default: phpsession. host MySQL server host address. default: serialize_handler type of serialization handler. Currently only PHP default serialization is supported. create whether to create a session record, if it's not existent yet. default: 0 session ID's are generated using Digest::MD5:md5_base64(rand(100) . time) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTES * Array in PHP is hash in Perl. * Objects in PHP are restored as objects blessed into PHP::Session::Object (Null class) and original class name is stored in _class key. * Locking when save()ing data is acquired via exclusive flock, same as PHP implementation. * Not tested so much, thus there may be some bugs in (des|s)erialization code. If you find any, tell me via email. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ AUTHOR Mark Mitchell > Based on PHP::Session by Tatsuhiko Miyagawa > This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SEE ALSO the Apache::Session::PHP manpage , WDDX, the Apache::Session manpage , the CGI::kSession manpage