NAME Message::String - A pragma to declare and organise messaging. VERSION version 0.1.9 SYNOPSIS This module helps you organise, identify, define and use messaging specific to an application or message domain. Using the pragma to define message strings The pragma's package name may be used directly: # Declare a single message use Message::String INF_GREETING => "Hello, World!"; # Declare multiple messages use Message::String { INF_GREETING => "I am completely operational, " . "and all my circuits are functioning perfectly.", RSP_DO_WHAT => "What would you have me do?\n", NTC_FAULT => "I've just picked up a fault in the %s unit.", CRT_NO_CAN_DO => "I'm sorry, %s. I'm afraid I can't do that", }; Or, after loading the module, the "message" alias may be used: # Load the module use Message::String; # Declare a single message use message INF_GREETING => "Hello, World!"; # Declare multiple messages use message { INF_GREETING => "I am completely operational, " . "and all my circuits are functioning perfectly.", RSP_DO_WHAT => "What would you have me do?\n", NTC_FAULT => "I've just picked up a fault in the %s unit.", CRT_NO_CAN_DO => "I'm sorry, %s. I'm afraid I can't do that", }; (Note: the "message" pragma may be favoured in future examples.) Using message strings in your application Using message strings in your code is really easy, and you have choice about how to do so: Example 1 # Ah, the joyless tedium that is composing strings using constants... $name = "Dave"; print INF_GREETING, "\n"; print RSP_DO_WHAT; chomp(my $response = ); if ($response =~ /Open the pod bay doors/i) { die sprintf(CRT_NO_CAN_DO, $name); } printf NTC_FAULT . "\n", 'AE-35'; Using messages this way can sometimes be useful but, on this occasion, aptly demonstrates why constants get a bad rap. This pattern of usage works fine, though you could just have easily used the "constant" pragma, or one of the alternatives. Example 2 $name = 'Dave'; INF_GREETING; # Display greeting (stdout) RSP_DO_WHAT; # Prompt for response (stdout/stdin) if ( /Open the pod bay doors/ ) # Check response; trying $_ but { # RSP_DO_WHAT->response works, too! CRT_NO_CAN_DO($name); # Throw hissy fit (Carp::croak) } NTC_FAULT('AE-35'); # Issue innocuous notice (stderr) "Message::String" objects take care of things like printing info messages to stdout; printing response messages to stdout, and gathering input from STDIN; putting notices on stderr, and throwing exceptions for critical errors. They do all the ancillary work so you don't have to; hiding away oft used sprinklings that make code noisy. Exporting message strings to other packages It is also possible to have a module export its messages for use by other packages. By including "EXPORT" or "EXPORT_OK" in the argument list, before your messages are listed, you can be sure that your package will export your symbols one way or the other. The examples below show how to export using "EXPORT" and "EXPORT_OK"; they also demonstrate how to define messages using less onerous string catalogues and, when doing so, how to split longer messages in order to keep the lengths of your lines manageable: Example 1 package My::App::Messages; use Message::String EXPORT => << 'EOF'; INF_GREETING I am completely operational, ... and all my circuits are functioning perfectly. RSP_DO_WHAT What would you have me do?\n NTC_FAULT I've just picked up a fault in the %s unit. CRT_NO_CAN_DO I'm sorry, %s. I'm afraid I can't do that EOF 1; # Meanwhile, back at main:: use My::App::Messages; # No choice. We get everything! Example 2 package My::App::Messages; use Message::String EXPORT_OK => << 'EOF'; INF_GREETING I am completely operational, ... and all my circuits are functioning perfectly. RSP_DO_WHAT What would you have me do?\n NTC_FAULT I've just picked up a fault in the %s unit. CRT_NO_CAN_DO I'm sorry, %s. I'm afraid I can't do that EOF 1; # Meanwhile, back at main:: use My::App::Messages 'INF_GREETING'; # Import what we need (Note: you were probably astute enough to notice that, despite the HEREDOC marker being enclosed in single quotes, there is a "\n" at the end of one of the message definitions. This isn't an error; the message formatter will deal with that.) It is also possible to place messages in one or more groups by including the group tags in the argument list, before the messages are defined. Group tags *must* start with a colon (":"). Example 3 package My::App::Messages; use My::App::Messages; use message ':MESSAGES' => { INF_GREETING => "I am completely operational, " . "and all my circuits are functioning perfectly.", RSP_DO_WHAT => "What would you have me do?\n", NTC_FAULT => "I've just picked up a fault in the %s unit.", }; use message ':MESSAGES', ':ERRORS' => { CRT_NO_CAN_DO => "I'm sorry, %s. I'm afraid I can't do that", }; 1; # Meanwhile, back at main:: use My::App::Messages ':ERRORS'; # Import the errors use My::App::Messages ':MESSAGE'; # Import everything Tagging messages causes your module's %EXPORT_TAGS hash to be updated, with tagged messages also being added to your module's @EXPORT_OK array. There is no expectation that you will make your package a descendant of the "Exporter" class. Provided you aren't working in the "main::" namespace then the calling package will be made a subclass of "Exporter" automatically, as soon as it becomes clear that it is necessary. Recap of the highlights This brief introduction demonstrates, hopefully, that as well as being able to function like constants, message strings are way more sophisticated than constants. Perhaps your Little Grey Cells have also helped you make a few important deductions: * That the name not only identifies, but characterises a message. * That different types of message exist. * That handling is influenced by a message's type. * That messages are simple text, or they may be parameterised. You possibly have more questions. Certainly, there is more to the story and these are just the highlights. The module is described in greater detail below. DESCRIPTION The "Message::String" pragma and its alias ("message") are aimed at the programmer who wishes to organise, identify, define, use (or make available for use) message strings specific to an application or other message domain. "Message::String" objects are not unlike constants, in fact, they may even be used like constants; they're just a smidge more helpful. Much of a script's lifetime is spent saying stuff, asking for stuff, maybe even complaining about stuff; but, most important of all, they have to do meaningful stuff, good stuff, the stuff they were designed to do. The trouble with saying, asking for, and complaining about stuff is the epic amount of repeated stuff that needs to be done just to do that kind of stuff. And that kind of stuff is like visual white noise when it's gets in the way of understanding and following a script's flow. We factor out repetetive code into reusable subroutines, web content into templates, but we do nothing about our script's messaging. Putting up with broken strings, quotes, spots and commas liberally peppered around the place as we compose and recompose strings doesn't seem to bother us. What if we could organise our application's messaging in a way that kept all of that noise out of the way? A way that allowed us to access messages using mnemonics but have useful, sensible and standard things happen when we do so. This module attempts to provide the tooling to do just that. METHODS "Message::String" objects are created and injected into the symbol table during Perl's compilation phase so that they are accessible at runtime. Once the import method has done its job there is very little that may be done to meaningfully alter the identity, purpose or destiny of messages. A large majority of this module's methods, including constructors, are therefore notionally and conventionally protected. There are, however, a small number of public methods worth covering in this document. Public Methods import message->import(); message->import( @options, @message_group, ... ); message->import( @options, \%message_group, ... ); message->import( @options, \@message_group, ... ); message->import( @options, $message_group, ... ); The "import" method is invoked at compile-time, whenever a "use message" or "use Message::String" directive is encountered. It processes any options and creates any requested messages, injecting message symbols into the caller's symbol table. Options "EXPORT" Ensures that the caller's @EXPORT list includes the names of messages defined in the following group. # Have the caller mandate that these messages be imported: # use message EXPORT => { ... }; "EXPORT_OK" Ensures that the caller's @EXPORT_OK list includes the names of messages defined in the following group. The explicit use of "EXPORT_OK" is not necessary when tag groups are being used and its use is implied. # Have the caller make these messages importable individually and # upon request: # use message EXPORT_OK => { ... }; ":*EXPORT-TAG*" One or more export tags may be listed, specifying that the following group of messages is to be added to the listed tag group(s). Any necessary updates to the caller's %EXPORT_TAGS hash and @EXPORT_OK array are made. The explicit use of "EXPORT_OK" is unnecessary since its use is implied. Tags may be listed separately or together in the same string. Regardless of how they are presented, each tag must start with a colon (":"). # Grouping messages with a single tag: # use message ':FOO' => { ... }; # Four valid ways to group messages with multiple tags: # use message ':FOO',':BAR' => { ... }; use message ':FOO, :BAR' => { ... }; use message ':FOO :BAR' => { ... }; use message ':FOO:BAR' => { ... }; # Gilding-the-lily; not wrong, but not necessary: # use message ':FOO', EXPORT_OK => { ... }; Tag groups and other export options have no effect if the calling package is "main::". If the calling package hasn't already been declared a subclass of "Exporter" then the "Exporter" package is loaded and the caller's @ISA array will be updated to include it as the first element. (To do: I should try to make this work with "Sub::Exporter".) Defining Messages A message is comprised of two tokens: The Message Identifier The message id should contain no whitespace characters, consist only of upper- and/or lowercase letters, digits, the underscore, and be valid as a Perl subroutine name. The id should *ideally* be unique; at the very least, it must be unique to the package in which it is defined. As well as naming a message, the message id is also used to determine the message type and severity. Try to organise your message catalogues using descriptive and consistent naming and type conventions. (Read the section about "MESSAGE TYPES" to see how typing works.) The Message Template The template is the text part of the message. It could be a simple string, or it could be a "sprintf" format complete with one or more parameter placeholders. A message may accept arguments, in which case "sprintf" will merge the argument values with the template to produce the final output. Messages are defined in groups of one or more key-value pairs, and the "import" method is quite flexible about how they are presented for processing. As a flat list of key-value pairs. use message INF_GREETING => "I am completely operational, " . "and all my circuits are functioning perfectly.", RSP_DO_WHAT => "What would you have me do?\n", NTC_FAULT => "I've just picked up a fault in the %s unit.", CRT_NO_CAN_DO => "I'm sorry, %s. I'm afraid I can't do that"; As an anonymous hash, or hash reference. use message { INF_GREETING => "I am completely operational, " . "and all my circuits are functioning perfectly.", RSP_DO_WHAT => "What would you have me do?\n", NTC_FAULT => "I've just picked up a fault in the %s unit.", CRT_NO_CAN_DO => "I'm sorry, %s. I'm afraid I can't do that", }; As an anonymous array, or array reference. use message [ INF_GREETING => "I am completely operational, " . "and all my circuits are functioning perfectly.", RSP_DO_WHAT => "What would you have me do?\n", NTC_FAULT => "I've just picked up a fault in the %s unit.", CRT_NO_CAN_DO => "I'm sorry, %s. I'm afraid I can't do that", ]; As a string (perhaps using a HEREDOC). use message << 'EOF'; INF_GREETING I am completely operational, ... and all my circuits are functioning perfectly. RSP_DO_WHAT What would you have me do?\n NTC_FAULT I've just picked up a fault in the %s unit. CRT_NO_CAN_DO I'm sorry, %s. I'm afraid I can't do that EOF When defining messages in this way, longer templates may be broken-up (as shown on the third line of the example above) by placing one or more dots (".") where a message id would normally appear. This forces the text fragment on the right to be appended to the template above, separated by a single space. Similarly, the addition symbol ("+") may be used in place of dot(s) if a newline is desired as the separator. This is particularly helpful when using PerlTidy and shorter line lengths. Multiple sets of export options and message groups may be added to the same import method's argument list: use message ':MESSAGES, :MISC' => ( INF_GREETING => "I am completely operational, " . "and all my circuits are functioning perfectly.", RSP_DO_WHAT => "What would you have me do?\n", ), ':MESSAGES, :NOTICES' => ( NTC_FAULT => "I've just picked up a fault in the %s unit.", ), ':MESSAGES, :ERRORS' => ( CRT_NO_CAN_DO => "I'm sorry, %s. I'm afraid I can't do that", ); When a message group has been processed any export related options that are currently in force will be reset; no further messages will be marked as exportable until a new set of export options and messages is added to the same directive. Pay attention when defining messages as simple lists of key-value pairs, as any new export option(s) will punctuate a list of messages up to that point and they will be processed as a complete group. The message parser will also substitute the following escape sequences with the correct character shown in parentheses: * "\n" (newline) * "\r" (linefeed) * "\t" (tab) * "\a" (bell) * "\s" (space) id MESSAGE_ID->id; Gets the message's identifier. level MESSAGE_ID->level( $severity_int ); MESSAGE_ID->level( $long_or_short_type_str ); $severity_int = MESSAGE_ID->level; Sets or gets a message's severity level. The severity level is always returned as an integer value, while it may be set using an integer value or a type code (long or short) with the desired value. Example # Give my notice a higher severity, equivalent to a warning. NTC_FAULT->level(4); NTC_FAULT->level('W'); NTC_FAULT->level('WARNING'); (See "MESSAGE TYPES" for more informtion about typing.) output $formatted_message_str = MESSAGE_ID->output; Returns the formatted text produced last time a particular message was used, or it returnd "undef" if the message hasn't yet been issued. The message's "output" value would also include the values of any parameters passed to the message. Example # Package in which messages are defined. # package My::App::MsgRepo; use Message::String EXPORT_OK => { NTC_FAULT => 'I've just picked up a fault in the %s unit.', }; 1; # Package in which messages are required. # use My::App::MsgRepo qw/NTC_FAULT/; use Test::More; NTC_FAULT('AE-35'); # The message is issued... # Some time later... diag NTC_FAULT->output; # What was the last reported fault again? # Output: # I've just picked up a fault in the AE-35 unit. readmode MESSAGE_ID->readmode( $io_stty_sttymode_str ); $io_stty_sttymode_str = MESSAGE_ID->readmode; Uses "IO::Stty" to set any special terminal driver modes when getting the response from "STDIN". The terminal driver mode will be restored to its normal state after the input has completed for the message. This method is intended for use with Type R (Response) messages, specifically to switch off TTY echoing for password entry. You should, however, never need to use explicitly if the text *"password"* is contained within the message's template, as its use is implied. Example RSP_MESSAGE->readmode('-echo'); response $response_str = MESSAGE_ID->response; Returns the input given in response to the message last time it was used, or it returns "undef" if the message hasn't yet been isssued. The "response" accessor is only useful with Type R (Response) messages. Example # Package in which messages are defined. # package My::App::MsgRepo; use Message::String EXPORT_OK => { INF_GREETING => 'Welcome to the machine.', RSP_USERNAME => 'Username: ', RSP_PASSWORD => 'Password: ', }; # Since RSP_PASSWORD is a response and contains the word "password", # the response is not echoed to the TTY. # # RSP_PASSWORD->readmode('noecho') is implied. 1; # Package in which messages are required. # use My::App::MsgRepo qw/INF_GREETING RSP_USERNAME RSP_PASSWORD/; use DBI; INF_GREETING; # Pleasantries RSP_USERNAME; # Prompt for and fetch username RSP_PASSWORD; # Prompt for and fetch password $dbh = DBI->connect( 'dbi:mysql:test;host=', RSP_USERNAME->response, RSP_PASSWORD->response ) or die $DBI::errstr; severity MESSAGE_ID->severity( $severity_int ); MESSAGE_ID->severity( $long_or_short_type_str ); $severity_int = MESSAGE_ID->severity; (An alias for the "level" method.) template MESSAGE_ID->template( $format_or_text_str ); $format_or_text_str = MESSAGE_ID->template; Sets or gets the message template. The template may be a plain string of text, or it may be a "sprintf" format containing parameter placeholders. Example # Redefine our message templates. INF_GREETING->template('Ich bin völlig funktionsfähig, und alle meine ' . 'Schaltungen sind perfekt funktioniert.'); CRT_NO_CAN_DO->template('Tut mir leid, %s. Ich fürchte, ich kann das ' . 'nicht tun.'); # Some time later... INF_GREETING; CRT_NO_CAN_DO('Dave'); to_string $output_or_template_str = MESSAGE_ID->to_string; Gets the string value of the message. If the message has been issued then you get the message output, complete with any message parameter values. If the message has not yet been issued then the message template is returned. Message objects overload the stringification operator ("") and it is this method that will be called whenever the string value of a message is required. Example print INF_GREETING->to_string . "\n"; # Or, embrace your inner lazy: print INF_GREETING . "\n"; type MESSAGE_ID->type( $long_or_short_type_str ); $short_type_str = MESSAGE_ID->type; Gets or sets a message's type characteristics, which includes its severity level. Example # Check my message's type $code = NTC_FAULT->type; # Returns "N" # Have my notice behave more like a warning. NTC_FAULT->type('W'); NTC_FAULT->type('WARNING'); verbosity MESSAGE_ID->type( $severity_int ); MESSAGE_ID->type( $long_or_short_type_str ); $severity_int = MESSAGE_ID->verbosity; Gets or sets the level above which messages will not be issued. Messages above this level may still be generated and their values are still usable, but they are silenced. *You cannot set the verbosity level to a value lower than a standard Type E (Error) message.* Example # Only issue Alert, Critical, Error and Warning messages. message->verbosity('WARNING'); # Or ... message->verbosity('W'); # Or ... message->verbosity(4); overloaded "" $output_or_template_str = MESSAGE_ID; Message objects overload Perl's *stringify* operator, calling the "to_string" method. MESSAGE TYPES Messages come in nine great flavours, each identified by a single-letter type code. A message's type represents the severity of the condition that would cause the message to be issued: Type Codes Type Alt Level / Type Code Type Priority Description ---- ---- -------- --------------------- A ALT 1 Alert C CRT 2 Critical E ERR 3 Error W WRN 4 Warning N NTC 5 Notice I INF 6 Info D DEB 7 Debug (or diagnostic) R RSP 1 Response M MSG 6 General message How messages are assigned a type When a message is defined an attempt is made to discern its type by examining it for a series of clues in the message's identifier: Step 1: check for a suffix matching "/:([DRAWNMICE])$/" The *type override* suffix spoils the fun by removing absolutely all of the guesswork from the process of assigning type characteristics. It is kind of ugly but removes absolutely all ambiguity. It is somewhat special in that it does not form part of the message's identifier, which is great if you have to temporarily re-type a message but don't want to hunt down and change every occurrence of its use. This suffix is a great substitute for limited imaginative faculties when naming messages. Step 2: check for a suffix matching "/[_\d]([WINDCREAM])$/" This step, like the following three steps, uses information embedded within the identifier to determine the type of the message. Since message ids are meant to be mnemonic, at least some attempt should be made by message authors to convey purpose and meaning in their choice of id. Step 3: check for a prefix matching "/^([RANCIDMEW])[_\d]/" Step 4: check for a suffix matching "/(*ALTERNATION*)$/", where the alternation set is comprised of long type codes (see "Long Type Codes"). Step 5: check for a prefix matching "/^(*ALTERNATION*)/", where the alternation set is comprised of long type codes (see "Long Type Codes"). Step 6: as a last resort the message is characterised as Type-M (General Message). Long Type Codes In addition to single-letter type codes, some longer aliases may under some circumstances be used in their stead. This can and does make some statements a little less cryptic. We can use one of this package's protected methods ("_types_by_alias") to not only list the type code aliases but also reveal type code equivalence: use Test::More; use Data::Dumper::Concise; use Message::String; diag Dumper( { message->_types_by_alias } ); # { # ALERT => "A", # ALR => "A", # ALT => "A", # CRIT => "C", # CRITICAL => "C", # CRT => "C", # DEB => "D", # DEBUG => "D", # DGN => "D", # DIAGNOSTIC => "D", # ERR => "E", # ERROR => "E", # FATAL => "C", # FTL => "C", # INF => "I", # INFO => "I", # INP => "R", # INPUT => "R", # MESSAGE => "M", # MISC => "M", # MSC => "M", # MSG => "M", # NOT => "N", # NOTICE => "N", # NTC => "N", # OTH => "M", # OTHER => "M", # OTR => "M", # PRM => "R", # PROMPT => "R", # RES => "R", # RESPONSE => "R", # RSP => "R", # WARN => "W", # WARNING => "W", # WNG => "W", # WRN => "W" # } Changing a message's type Under exceptional conditions it may be necessary to alter a message's type, and this may be achieved in one of three ways: 1. *Permanently,* by choosing a more suitable identifier. This is the cleanest way to make such a permanent change, and has only one disadvantage: you must hunt down code that uses the old identifier and change it. Fortunately, "grep" is our friend and constants are easy to track down. 2. *Semi-permanently,* by using a type-override suffix. # Change NTC_FAULT from being a notice to a response, so that it # blocks for input. We may still use the "NTC_FAULT" identifier. use message << 'EOF'; NTC_FAULT:R I've just picked up a fault in the %s unit. EOF Find the original definition and append the type-override suffix, which must match regular expression "/:[CREWMANID]$/", obviously being careful to choose the correct type code. This has a cosmetic advantage in that the suffix will be effective but not be part of the the id. The disadvantage is that this can render any forgotten changes invisible, so don't forget to change it back when you're done. 3. *Temporarily,* at runtime, using the message's "type" mutator: # I'm debugging an application and want to temporarily change # a message named APP234I to be a response so that, when it displays, # it blocks waiting for input - APP234I->type('R'); # Or, ... APP234I->type('RSP'); # Possibly much clearer, or ... APP234I->type('RESPONSE'); # Clearer still WHISTLES, BELLS & OTHER DOODADS Customising message output Examples shown below operate on a pragma level, which affects all messages. Any particular message may override any of these settings simply by replacing "message" with "*MESSAGE_ID*". Embedding timestamps # Get or set the default timestamp format $strftime_format_strn = message->_default_timestamp_format; message->_default_timestamp_format($strftime_format_str); # Don't embed time data in messages of specified type message->_type_timestamp($type_str, ''); # Embed time data in messages of specified type, using default format message->_type_timestamp($type_str, 1); # Embed time data in messages of specified type, using specified format message->_type_timestamp($type_str, $strftime_format_str); # Don't Embed time data in ANY message types. message->_type_timestamp(''); # Embed time data in ALL message types, using default format message->_type_timestamp(1); Embedding type information # Embed no additional type info in messages of a type message->_type_tlc($type_str, ''); # Embed additional type info in messages of a type (3-letters max) message->_type_tlc($type_str, $three_letter_code_str); # Example message->_type_tlc('I', 'INF'); Embedding the message id # Embed or don't embed message ids in a type of message message->_type_id($type_str, $bool); # Embed or don't embed message ids in all types of message message->_type_id($bool); REPOSITORY * * BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-message-string at", or through the web interface at . I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Message::String You can also look for information at: * RT: CPAN's request tracker (report bugs here) * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation * CPAN Ratings * Search CPAN ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Standing as we all do from time to time on the shoulders of giants: Dave Rolsky*, et al.* For DateTime Graham Barr*, et al.* For Scalar::Util and Sub::Util Jens Reshack*, et al.* For List::MoreUtils. Austin Schutz & Todd Rinaldo For IO::Stty. Ray Finch For Clone Robert Sedlacek*, et al.* For namespace::clean AUTHOR Iain Campbell COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2015 by Iain Campbell. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.