NAME DBD::Teradata - a DBI driver for Teradata *** *BEFORE* BUILDING, TESTING AND INSTALLING this you will need to: Build, test and install Perl 5 (minimum version 5.005). It is very important to TEST it and INSTALL it! Build, test and install the DBI module (minimum version 1.13). It is very important to TEST it and INSTALL it! Remember to *read* the DBI README, this README, and the included tdatdbd.html CAREFULLY! I had a lot of info to distill, and POD, though quaint and convenient for READMEs like this, just isn't as expressive as HTML...hence tdatdbd.html. Please refer to tdatdbd.html for detailed usage information. *** BUILDING: Define the following environment variables: (These are used to logon the sessions for the script.) TDAT_DBD_DSN - set to your DBMS's hostname (e.g., 'dbccop1') TDAT_DBD_USER - set to the userid that has about 4 MBytes of perm space and can create/drop tables and macros TDAT_DBD_PASSWORD - set to the password for aforementioned userid For Windows 95/98/2000/ME/NT: Save us all a great deal of agony, and just copy to your site-specific lib\DBD directory (e.g., \perl\site\lib\DBD for most ActiveState configurations) (backup your old copy if you're upgrading!!!), and then copy somewhere and run perl -w and make sure you get all the way to the "Tests completed ok, exitting..." output at the end. For non-Windows: perl # use a perl that's in your PATH make make test # will spew results to STDOUT, # messages to STDERR, # and create a tdrawtest.out file make install (if the tests look okay) *** IF YOU HAVE PROBLEMS: Please read the tdatdbd.html file which includes important information, including tips and workarounds for various platform-specific problems. *** SUPPORT INFORMATION: For the latest DBD::Teradata information, please see Bug reports/Comments/suggestions/enhancement requests may be sent to Please see the following files for more information: tdatdbd.html - the User's Guide *** MAILING LISTS As a user or maintainer of a local copy of DBD::Teradata, you need to be aware of the following addresses: The DBI mailing lists located at for announcements for developer/maintainer discussions for end user level discussion and help To subscribe or unsubscribe to each individual list you may use the WWW at or email at the following addresses with your request in the body of the message. The Teradata mailing list is managed and archived at You should subscribe to this list for Teradata-specific help and info. =cut