HTTP/Server/Singlethreaded version 0.01 ================================== A single-threaded HTTP server suitable for building stand-alone web applications around. This version is still very early, but the following command line is able to produce a server on port 8000 that exports the files in my /tmp directory and provides a clock service: perl -we 'use HTTP::Server::Singlethreaded \ static => {"/tmp/" => "/tmp"},\ function => {"/d/" => sub { \ "Content-type: text/plain\n\n$_{QUERY_STRING}\n".localtime \ }};Serve while 1' INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install Alternately, just create a HTTP/Server directory under somwhere in your Perl installation's include path and copy there. You'll want to edit the module some to make it a little less chatty to STDOUT. DEPENDENCIES This module requires no modules or libraries not distributed with core Perl. COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Copyright (C) 2004 David Nicol. GPL/AL.