HTTP/Server/Singlethreaded version 0.01 ================================== A single-threaded HTTP server suitable for building stand-alone web applications around. On systems without working non-blocking listening sockets, we can only accept one new client per select interation, and the module figures out what is available and uses does single or multiple accept calls depending on the platform. Tested under glibc linux and activestate on win2000. This version is still very early, but the following command line is able to produce a server on port 8000 that exports the files in my /tmp directory and provides a clock service: perl -we 'use HTTP::Server::Singlethreaded \ static => {"/tmp/" => "/tmp"},\ function => {"/d/" => sub { \ "Content-type: text/plain\n\n$_{QUERY_STRING}\n".localtime \ }};Serve while 1' INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install Alternately, just create a HTTP/Server directory under somwhere in your Perl installation's include path and copy there. You'll want to edit the module some to make it a little less chatty to STDOUT. DEPENDENCIES This module requires no modules or libraries not distributed with core Perl. COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Copyright (C) 2004 David Nicol. GPL/AL.