Config::Model::Itself - Config::Model model (for Config::Model) This module provides a configuration model for Config::Model. Which means that you can use the same UI to edit configuration data (for instance Xorg configuration data from xorg.conf) and Xorg model (if you need to add new parameters in Xorg model) With this module and Config::Model, you have a tool to tune the configuration models. Installing Config::Model::CursesUI is recommended as you'll have a more user friendly curses based user interface. -- TO BE MODIFIED BELOW Once this module is installed, you can run (as root, but please backup /etc/X11/xorg.conf before): # config-edit -model Xorg You may want to try it safely first by writing the resulting xorg.conf elsewhere (in this case you can run this command with your user account): $ config-edit -model Xorg -write_directory test If config-edit fails with your xorg.conf (See BUGS section below), you can try config-edit with the provided xorg.conf (but it won't be useful for you as this file will not match your hardware configuration). Note that you must run this command where you unpacked this perl module: $ config-edit -model Xorg -read data -write wr_test If you do not have the curses user interface, be sure to read doc which explain the basic command of the terminal based interface: -------------------------------------------------------------------- MODULE CONTENT This Perl modules contains several files (listed in MANIFEST). Here are the purpose of the main files: - Build.PL : script to build the Perl module. See Module::Build(3pm) - data/xorg.conf: sample xorg.conf used with non-reg test - lib/Config/Model/models : directory containing Xorg model files. The main model is The complete xorg model is made from all files contained in this directory. - lib/Config/Model/Xorg/ Read xorg.conf files - lib/Config/Model/Xorg/ Write xorg.conf files - t/xorg.t: non-regression test -------------------------------------------------------------------- BUGS This model is quite young and is incomplete. So far, the following video cards have a model (see lib/Config/Model/models/Xorg/Device/ directory) : - ATI card (rather complete model for radeon driver) - Nvidia card (very preliminary model for Nvidia proprietary driver) -------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR Copyright (c) 2007 Dominique Dumont. This file is part of Config-Model-Xorg. --------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION tar zxvf .tar.gz cd perl Build.PL ./Build test If you want to install this software without packaging, type also: ./Build install