Text::WagnerFischer is an implementation of the Wagner-Fischer edit distance in Perl. PREREQUISITES This suite requires Perl 5; I tested it only under Perl 5.6. Text::WagnerFischer does not use any nonstandard modules. INSTALLATION You install Text::WagnerFischer by running these commands in the *nix environment: perl Makefile.PL make make test (optional) make install To install Text::WagnerFischer in the Win32 environment, use nmake instead of make. nmake is available for free (in a self extracting executable): After download and inflate, put nmake.exe and nmake.err in c:\windows\command . DOCUMENTATION POD format documentation is included in WagnerFischer.pm. POD is readable with the command: perldoc Text::WagnerFischer AVAILABILITY The latest version of Text::WagnerFischer is available from the CPAN COPYRIGHT Copyright 2002 Dree Mistrut This package is free software and is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.