NAME ==== Discogs::API - Provide basic API to Discogs SYNOPSIS ======== ```raku use Discogs::API; my $discogs =; my $release = $discogs.release(249504); ``` DESCRIPTION =========== Discogs::API provides a Raku library with access to the [Discogs]( data and functions. It tries to follow the API as closely as possible, so the up-to-date [Discogs developer information]( can be used to look up matters that are unclear from thie documentation in this module. One exception to this rule is that fieldnames in the JSON generated by Discogs that are using snake_case, are converted to use kebab-case in the Raku interface. So a field called `allows_multiple_values` in the JSON blob, will be accessible using a `allow-multiple-values` method in this module. UTILITY METHODS =============== new --- ```raku my $discogs = client => $client, # Cro::HTTP::Client compatible, optional token => "xfhgh1624", # Discogs access token, default: none key => "kahgjkhdg", # Discogs access key, default: none secret => "454215642", # Discogs access secret, default: none currency => "EUR", # default: "USD" per-page => 10, # default: 50 ; ``` Create an object to access the services that the Discogs API has to offer. * client - a Cro::HTTP::Client compatible client One will be provided if not specified. * token - Discogs Access Token A token needed to access certain parts of the Discogs API. See []( for more information. Defaults to whatever is specified with the DISCOGS_TOKEN environment variable. * key - Discogs Access Key A string needed to access certain parts of the Discogs API. See []( for more information. * secret - Discogs Access Secret A string needed to access certain parts of the Discogs API. See []( for more information. * currency A string indicating the default currency to be used when producing prices of releases in the Discogs Marketplace. It should be one of the following strings: USD GBP EUR CAD AUD JPY CHF MXN BRL NZD SEK ZAR * per-page An integer indicating the default number of items per page that should be produced by methods that return objects that support pagination. client ------ ```raku my $default = Discogs::API.client; # the default client my $client = $discogs.client; # the actual client to be used ``` Return the default `Cro::HTTP::Client` object when called as a class method. That object will be used by default when creating a `Discogs::API` object. Intended to be used as a base for alterations, e.g. by overriding the `GET` method during testing. Returns the actual object that was (implicitely) specified during the creation of the `Discogs::API` object when called as an instance method. GET --- ```raku my $content = $discogs.GET("/artists/108713", Discogs::API::Artist); ``` Helper method to fetch data using the Discogs API for the given URI, and interpret it as data of the given class. Returns an instance of the given class, or throws if something went wrong. test-with --------- ```raku my $discogs =$path); ``` Provide an alternate [Discogs::API](Discogs::API) object that can be used for testing. Instead of fetching the data from Discogs, it will look at the indicated path and map the URI to a file with the same name. So an URI like `"/artist/108713"` and a path `"foo/bar".IO` will look for a file called `"foo/bar/artist/108713.json"`, slurp that, and create the requested object out of that. CONTENT METHODS =============== artist ------ ```raku my $artist = $discogs.artist(108713); ``` Fetch the information for the given artist ID and return that in an [Discogs::API::Artist](Discogs::API::Artist) object. artist-releases --------------- ```raku my $artist-releases = $discogs.artist-releases( 108713, # the artist ID page => 2, # page number, default: 1 per-page => 25, # items per page, default: object sort => "year", # sort on given key, default no sort sort-order => "desc", # sort order, default to "asc" ); ``` Fetch all of the releases of given artist ID and return them in pages in a [Discogs::API::ArtistReleases](Discogs::API::ArtistReleases) object. * page An integer indicating the page to obtain the `ArtistRelease` objects of. Defaults to 1. * per-page An integer indicating the maximum number of items per page to be produced. Defaults to what was (implicitely) specified with the creation of the `Discogs::API` object. * sort A string indicating how the `ArtistRelease` objects to be returned. Defaults to no sorting. The following fields can be specified: year title format * sort-order A string indicating the sort order of any sort action to be performed on the `ArtistRelease` objects to be returned. Defaults to "asc". The following fields can be specified: asc desc community-release-rating ------------------------ ```raku my $rating = $; my $rating = $$release); ``` Fetch the information about the Discogs community rating for a given release and return that as an [Discogs::API::CommunityReleaseRating](Discogs::API::CommunityReleaseRating) object. The release parameter can either be given as an unsigned integer, or as an [Discogs::API::Release](Discogs::API::Release) object. label ----- ```raku my $label = $discogs.label(1); ``` Fetch the information for the given label ID and return that in an [Discogs::API::Label](Discogs::API::Label) object. label-releases -------------- ```raku my $label-releases = $discogs.label-releases( 1, # the label ID page => 2, # page number, default: 1 per-page => 25, # items per page, default: object ); ``` Fetch all of the releases of given label ID and return them in pages in a [Discogs::API::LabelReleases](Discogs::API::LabelReleases) object. master-release -------------- ```raku my $master-release = $discogs.master-release(1000); ``` Fetch the information for the given master release ID and return that in an [Discogs::API::MasterRelease](Discogs::API::MasterRelease) object. master-release-versions ----------------------- ```raku my $master-release-versions = $discogs.master-release-versions( 1000, # the master release ID page => 2, # page number, default: 1 per-page => 25, # items per page, default: object format => "CD", # limit to format, default no limit label => "Foo", # limit to label, default no limit released => 1992, # limit to year, default no limit country => "Belgium", # limit to country, default no limit sort => "released", # sort on given key, default no sort sort-order => "desc", # sort order, default to "asc" ); ``` Fetch all of the versions of a given master release ID and return them in pages in a [Discogs::API::MasterReleaseVersions](Discogs::API::MasterReleaseVersions) object. It supports the following optional named parameters: * page An integer indicating the page to obtain the `MasterReleaseVersion` objects of. Defaults to 1. * per-page An integer indicating the maximum number of items per page to be produced. Defaults to what was (implicitely) specified with the creation of the `Discogs::API` object. * format A string indicating the `format` of the `MasterReleaseVersion` objects to be returned. Defaults to no limitation on format. * label A string indicating the `label` of the `MasterReleaseVersion` objects to be returned. Defaults to no limitation on label. * released An integer indicating the year of release of the `MasterReleaseVersion` objects to be returned. Defaults to no limitation on year. * country A string indicating the `country` of the `MasterReleaseVersion` objects to be returned. Defaults to no limitation on country. * sort A string indicating how the `MasterReleaseVersion` objects to be returned. Defaults to no sorting. The following fields can be specified: released title format label catno country * sort-order A string indicating the sort order of any sort action to be performed on the `MasterReleaseVersion` objects to be returned. Defaults to "asc". The following fields can be specified: asc desc release ------- ```raku my $release = $discogs.release(249504, currency => "EUR"); ``` Fetch the information for the given release ID and return that in an [Discogs::API::Release](Discogs::API::Release) object. Optionally takes a named `currency` parameter that should have one of the supported currency strings. This defaults to the value for the currency that was (implicitely) specified when creating the `Discogs::API` object. search ------ Perform a general search in the Discogs database, optionally searching specific parts. Returns a [Discogs::API::SearchResults](Discogs::API::SearchResults) object. ```raku my $search = $ "nirvana", # optional, general query page => 2, # page number, default: 1 per-page => 25, # items per page, default: object type => "release", # optional search for type only title => "nits - urk", # optional artist - release search query release-title => "urk", # optional search for to release name credit => "kurt", # optional search for credits artist => "nirvana", # optional search for artist name anv => "nirvana", # optional search for artist name variation label => "Foo", # optional search for label genre => "rock", # optional search for genre style => "grunge", # optional search for style country => "belgium", # optional search for country year => 1992, # optional search for year of release format => "CD", # optional search for format catno => "DGCD-24425", # optional search for catalog number barcode => "7 2064-24425-2 4", # optional search for barcode track => "smells like", # optional search for title of track submitter => "milKt", # optional search for username of submitter contributor => "liz", # optional search for username of contributor ); ``` * page An integer indicating the page to obtain the `Discogs::API::SearchResult` objects of. Defaults to 1. * per-page An integer indicating the maximum number of items per page to be produced. Defaults to what was (implicitely) specified with the creation of the `Discogs::API` object. * query The string to be searched for. * type A string to determine which main fields to be searched. Should be one of: release master artist label * title Special formatted string to search for an artist / release title combination. The hyphen indicates the separation, so e.g. "nirvana - nevermind". * release-title Search for given string as title of a release only. * credit Search for given string as credit for a release only. * artist Search for given string as main name of artist only. * anv Search for given string as alternative name variation of artist only. * label Search for given string as name of label only. * genre Search for given string as name of genre only. * style Search for given string as name of style only. * country Search for given string as name of country only. * year Search for given year of release only. * format Search for given string as format only. * catno Search for given string as catalog number only. * barcode Search for given string as barcode only. * track Search for given string as track title only. * submitter Search for given string as the username of a submitter only. * submitter Search for given string as the username of a contributor only. user-release-rating ------------------- ```raku my $rating = $discogs.user-release-rating(249504, "username"); my $rating = $discogs.user-release-rating($release, "username"); my $rating = $discogs.user-release-rating(249504, $user); my $rating = $discogs.user-release-rating($release, $user); ``` Fetch the information about the rating for a given release and a username and return that as a [Discogs::API::UserReleaseRating](Discogs::API::UserReleaseRating) object. The release parameter can either be given as an unsigned integer, or as an [Discogs::API::Release](Discogs::API::Release) object. The user parameter can either be given as a string, or as an [Discogs::API::User](Discogs::API::User) object. ADDITIONAL CLASSES ================== In alphatical order: Discogs::API::Artist -------------------- * data-quality String indicating the quality of the data. * id The artist ID. * images A list of [Discogs::API::Image](Discogs::API::Image) objects for this artist. * members A list of [Discogs::API::Member](Discogs::API::Member) objects of this artist. * name String with the main name of the artist. * namevariations A list of strings with alternate names / spellings of the artist. * profile A string with a profile of the artist. * releases-url The URL to fetch all of the releases of this Artist using the Discogs API. * resource-url The URL to fetch this object using the Discogs API. * uri The URL to access information about this artist on the Discogs website. * urls A list of URLs associated with this artist. Discogs::API::ArtistReleases ---------------------------- This object is usually created as part of a [Discogs::API::ArtistReleases](Discogs::API::ArtistReleases) object. * artist A string with the name of the artist of this release. * community-in-collection An unsigned integer indicating the number of people in the Discogs community that have this release. * community-in-wantlist An integer indicating the number of people in the Discogs community that want to have this release. * format A string indicating the format of this release. * id The ID of this release. * label The ID of the associated `Discogs::API::Label` object. * resource-url The URL to obtain the information about this release using the Discogs API. * role A string indicating the role of this release compared to its [Discogs::API::MasterRelease](Discogs::API::MasterRelease) object. * stats An [Discogs::API::Stats](Discogs::API::Stats) object with user and community statistics. It is probably easier to use the short-cut methods `community-in-collection`, `community-in-wantlist`, `user-in-collection`, `user-in-wantlist`. * status A string indicating the status of the information about this release. * thumb A URL for a thumbnail image associated with this release. * title A string with the title of this release. * type A string indicating the type of release, e.g. "master". * user-in-collection A boolean indicating whether the current user has this release. * user-in-wantlist A boolean indicating whether the current user wants to have this release. * year An unsigned integer for the year this release was released. Discogs::API::ArtistReleases ---------------------------- Retrieves a list of all [Discogs::API::ArtistRelease](Discogs::API::ArtistRelease) objects that were made by the given artist ID, and pagination settings. * first-page Returns the first page of the information of this object, or `Nil` if already on the first page. * first-page-url The URL to fetch the data of the **first** page of this object using the Discogs API. Returns `Nil` if the there is only one page of information available. * items An integer indicating the total number of [Discogs::API::LabelRelease](Discogs::API::LabelRelease) objects there are available for this artist. * last-page Returns the last page of the information of this object, or `Nil` if already on the last page. * last-page-url The URL to fetch the data of the **last** page of this object using the Discogs API. Returns `Nil` if already on the last page. * next-page Returns the next page of the information of this object, or `Nil` if already on the last page. * next-page-url The URL to fetch the data of the **next** page of this object using the Discogs API. Returns `Nil` if already on the last page. * page An integer indicating the page number of this object. * pages An integer indicating the number of pages of information available for this object. * pagination The [Discogs::API::Pagination](Discogs::API::Pagination) object associted with this object. Usually not needed, as its information is available in shortcut methods. * per-page An integer representing the maximum number of items on a page. * previous-page Returns the previous page of the information of this object, or `Nil` if already on the first page. * previous-page-url The URL to fetch the data of the **previous** page of this object using the Discogs API. Returns `Nil` if already on the first page. * releases A list of [Discogs::API::ArtistRelease](Discogs::API::ArtistRelease) objects. Discogs::API::ArtistSummary --------------------------- * anv A string with the artist name variation. * id The artist ID. * join A string indicating joining. * name A string with the name. * resource-url The URL to fetch the full artist information using the Discogs API. * role A string indicating the role of this artist. * tracks A string indicating the tracks on which the artist participated. Discogs::API::CatalogEntry -------------------------- An object that describes entities in the Discogs database that are also referred to as `Label`s. Usually created indirectly by other objects. * catno A string with the identifying catalog number. * entity-type An unsigned integer with a description of the type of this entity. * entity-type-name A string with the name of this entity. * id The numeric ID of this catalog entry. * name The name of this catalog entry. * resource-url The URL to fetch the full information of this catalog entry using the Discogs API. Discogs::API::Community ----------------------- Usually obtained indirectly from the `community` method on the [Discogs::API::Release](Discogs::API::Release) object. These methods can also be called directly on the [Discogs::API::Release](Discogs::API::Release) object, as these are also provided as shortcuts. * contributors A list of [Discogs::API::User](Discogs::API::User) objects of contributors to the community information of this release. * data-quality A string describing the quality of the data of this release. * have An integer indicating how many community members have this release. * rating A rational number indicating the rating the members of the community have given this release. * status The status of the information about this release in the community. * submitter The [Discogs::API::User](Discogs::API::User) object for the submitter of this release. * want An integer indicating how many community members want to have this release. Discogs::API::CommunityReleaseRating ------------------------------------ The rating of the Discogs community for a specific release. * rating A rational number indicating the rating. * release-id An unsigned integer for the ID of the release. Discogs::API::FilterFacet ------------------------- An object usually created as part of the [Discogs::API::MasterReleaseVersions](Discogs::API::MasterReleaseVersions) object. * allows-multiple-values A Bool indicating whether more than one value is allowed in `values`. * id The ID. * title The title. * values A list of one or more values. Discogs::API::Filters --------------------- An object usually created as part of the [Discogs::API::MasterReleaseVersions](Discogs::API::MasterReleaseVersions) object. * applied A hash indicating which [Discogs::API::FilterFacet](Discogs::API::FilterFacet)s have been applied. * available A hash of unsigned integer indicating how many entries are available. Discogs::API::Format -------------------- An object that describes the format of a release. Usually created by other objects. * descriptions A list of strings describing this format. * name The name of this format. * qty An unsigned integer indicating the number of copies that are available in this format in the Discogs Marketplace. Discogs::API::Identifier ------------------------ A generic object created by other objects. * type A string indicating the type. * value A string indicating the value. Discogs::API::Image ------------------- An object describing an image in the Discogs database. Usually created by other objects. * height The height of the image in pixels. * resource-url The URL to access this image on the Discogs image website. * type String with the type for this image: either "primary" or "secondary". * uri The URL to access this image on the Discogs image website. * uri150 The URL to access a 150x150 pixel version of the image on the Discogs image website. * width The width of the image in pixels. Discogs::API::Label ------------------- The `Label` object represents a label, company, recording studio, location, or other entity involved with [Discogs::API::Artist](Discogs::API::Artist)s and [Discogs::API::Release](Discogs::API::Release)s. Labels were recently expanded in scope to include things that aren't labels – the name is an artifact of this history. * contact-info A string with contact information for this label. * data-quality A string describing the quality of the data of this label. * id The ID of this label. * images A list of [Discogs::API::Image](Discogs::API::Image) objects for this label. * name A string with the name of this label. * profile A string with a profile about this label. * releases-url A URL to retrieve all the [Discogs::API::Release](Discogs::API::Release) objects associated with this label using the Discogs API. * resource-url The URL to obtain the information about this label using the Discogs API. * sublabels A list of [Discogs::API::SubLabel](Discogs::API::SubLabel) objects describing subdivisions of this label. * uri A URL to see the information of this label on the Discogs website. * urls A list of URLs related to this label. Discogs::API::LabelRelease -------------------------- This object is usually created as part of a [Discogs::API::LabelReleases](Discogs::API::LabelReleases) object. * artist A string with the name of the artist of this release. * catno A string with the catalog number of this release. * format A string with the format of this release. * id An unsigned integer for the ID of this release. * resource-url A URL to get the full release information of this release using the Discogs API. * status The status of the information about this release in the community. * thumb A URL for a thumbnail image for this release. * title A string for the title of this release. * year An unsigned integer indicating the year this release was released. Discogs::API::LabelReleases --------------------------- Retrieves a list of all [Discogs::API::LabelRelease](Discogs::API::LabelRelease) objects that are versions of a given master release ID, and pagination settings. * first-page Returns the first page of the information of this object, or `Nil` if already on the first page. * first-page-url The URL to fetch the data of the **first** page of this object using the Discogs API. Returns `Nil` if the there is only one page of information available. * items An integer indicating the total number of [Discogs::API::LabelRelease](Discogs::API::LabelRelease) objects there are available for label. * last-page Returns the last page of the information of this object, or `Nil` if already on the last page. * last-page-url The URL to fetch the data of the **last** page of this object using the Discogs API. Returns `Nil` if already on the last page. * next-page Returns the next page of the information of this object, or `Nil` if already on the last page. * next-page-url The URL to fetch the data of the **next** page of this object using the Discogs API. Returns `Nil` if already on the last page. * page An integer indicating the page number of this object. * pages An integer indicating the number of pages of information available for this object. * pagination The [Discogs::API::Pagination](Discogs::API::Pagination) object associted with this object. Usually not needed, as its information is available in shortcut methods. * per-page An integer representing the maximum number of items on a page. * previous-page Returns the previous page of the information of this object, or `Nil` if already on the first page. * previous-page-url The URL to fetch the data of the **previous** page of this object using the Discogs API. Returns `Nil` if already on the first page. * releases A list of [Discogs::API::LabelRelease](Discogs::API::LabelRelease) objects. Discogs::API::MasterRelease --------------------------- The MasterRelease object represents a set of similar [Discogs::API::Release](Discogs::API::Release)s. Master releases have a "main release" which is often the chronologically earliest. * artists A list of [Discogs::API::ArtistSummary](Discogs::API::ArtistSummary) objects for this master release. * data-quality A string describing the quality of the data of this master release. * fetch-main-release Fetch the main [Discogs::API::Release](Discogs::API::Release) of this main release using the Discogs API. * fetch-most-recent-release Fetch the most recent [Discogs::API::Release](Discogs::API::Release) of this main release using the Discogs API. * genres A list of strings describing the genres of this master release. * id The ID of this master release. * images A list if [Discogs::API::Image](Discogs::API::Image) objects associated with this master release. * lowest-price The lowest price seen for any of the releases of this master release on the Discogs Marketplace, in the currency that was (implicitely) specified when the [Discogs::API](Discogs::API) object was made. * main-release The ID of the [Discogs::API::Release](Discogs::API::Release) object that is considered to be the main release. * main-release-url The URL to access the data of the main release using the Discogs API. * most-recent-release The ID of the [Discogs::API::Release](Discogs::API::Release) object that is considered to be the most recent release. * most-recent-release-url The URL to access the data of the most recent release using the Discogs API. * num-for-sale An integer indicating the number of copies of any release of this main release, that are for sale on the Discogs Marketplace. * resource-url The URL to obtain the information about this master release using the Discogs API. * styles A list of strings describing the styles of this master release. * title A string with the title of this master release. * tracklist A list of [Discogs::API::Track](Discogs::API::Track) objects describing the tracks of this master release. * uri A URL to see the information of this master release on the Discogs website. * versions-url A URL to fetch the [Discogs::API::MasterReleaseVersion](Discogs::API::MasterReleaseVersion) objects for this master release using the Discogs API. * videos A list of [Discogs::API::Video](Discogs::API::Video) objects associated with this master release. * year An integer for the year in which this master release was released. Discogs::API::MasterReleaseVersion ---------------------------------- This object is usually created as part of the [Discogs::API::MasterReleaseVersions](Discogs::API::MasterReleaseVersions) object. * catno The catalog number of the associated [Discogs::API::CatalogEntry](Discogs::API::CatalogEntry) object. * community-in-collection An unsigned integer indicating the number of people in the Discogs community that have this release. * community-in-wantlist An unsigned integer indicating the number of people in the Discogs community that want to have this release. * country A string indicating the country of this release. * format A string indicating the format of this release. * id The ID of this release. * label The ID of the associated `Discogs::API::Label` object. * major-formats A string indicating the major formats in which this release is available. * released An unsigned integer indicating the year that this release was released. * resource-url The URL to obtain the information about this release using the Discogs API. * stats An [Discogs::API::Stats](Discogs::API::Stats) object with user and community statistics. It is probably easier to use the short-cut methods `community-in-collection`, `community-in-wantlist`, `user-in-collection`, `user-in-wantlist`. * status A string indicating the status of the information about this release. * thumb A URL for a thumbnail image associated with this release. * title A string with the title of this release. * user-in-collection An unsigned integer indicating whether the current user has this release. * user-in-wantlist An unsigned integer indicating whether the current user wants to have this release. Discogs::API::MasterReleaseVersions ----------------------------------- Retrieves a list of all [Discogs::API::MasterReleaseVersion](Discogs::API::MasterReleaseVersion) objects that are versions of a given master release ID, and pagination settings. * filter-facets A list of [Discogs::API::FilterFacet](Discogs::API::FilterFacet) objects associated with this object. * filters A list of [Discogs::API::Filter](Discogs::API::Filter) objects associated with this object. * first-page Returns the first page of the information of this object, or `Nil` if already on the first page. * first-page-url The URL to fetch the data of the **first** page of this object using the Discogs API. Returns `Nil` if the there is only one page of information available. * items An integer indicating the total number of [Discogs::API::MasterReleaseVersion](Discogs::API::MasterReleaseVersion) objects there are available for this master release. * last-page Returns the last page of the information of this object, or `Nil` if already on the last page. * last-page-url The URL to fetch the data of the **last** page of this object using the Discogs API. Returns `Nil` if already on the last page. * next-page Returns the next page of the information of this object, or `Nil` if already on the last page. * next-page-url The URL to fetch the data of the **next** page of this object using the Discogs API. Returns `Nil` if already on the last page. * page An integer indicating the page number of this object. * pages An integer indicating the number of pages of information available for this object. * pagination The [Discogs::API::Pagination](Discogs::API::Pagination) object associted with this object. Usually not needed, as its information is available in shortcut methods. * per-page An integer representing the maximum number of items on a page. * previous-page Returns the previous page of the information of this object, or `Nil` if already on the first page. * previous-page-url The URL to fetch the data of the **previous** page of this object using the Discogs API. Returns `Nil` if already on the first page. * versions A list of [Discogs::API::MasterReleaseVersion](Discogs::API::MasterReleaseVersion) objects. Discogs::API::Member -------------------- * active A Boolean indicating whether this member is still active with the [Discogs::API::Artist](Discogs::API::Artist) it is associated with. * id The ID of this member as a separate [Discogs::API::Artist](Discogs::API::Artist). * name The name of this member. * resource-url The URL to fetch [Discogs::API::Artist](Discogs::API::Artist) object of this member using the Discogs API. Discogs::API::Pagination ------------------------ This object is usually created as part of some kind of search result that allows for pagination. * items An integer with the number of items in this page. * page An integer with the page number of the information of this page. * pages An integer with the total number of pages available with the current `per-page` value. * per-page An integer with the maximum number of items per page. * urls A hash of URLs for moving between pages. Usually accessed with shortcut methods of the object incorporating this `Pagination` object. Discogs::API::Rating -------------------- A rating, usually automatically created with a [Discogs::API::Community](Discogs::API::Community) object. * average A rational value indicating the average rating of the object associated with the associated [Discogs::API::Community](Discogs::API::Community) object. * count An integer value indicating the number of votes cast by community members. Discogs::API::Release --------------------- The `Discogs::API::Release` object represents a particular physical or digital object released by one or more [Discogs::API::Artist](Discogs::API::Artist)s. * artists A list of [Discogs::API::ArtistSummary](Discogs::API::ArtistSummary) objects for this release. * average A rational value indicating the average rating of this release by community members. * artists-sort A string with the artists, sorted. * community The [Discogs::API::Community](Discogs::API::Community) object with all of the Discogs community information associated with this release. * companies A list of [Discogs::API::CatalogEntry](Discogs::API::CatalogEntry) objects of entities that had something to do with this release. * contributors A list of [Discogs::API::User](Discogs::API::User) objects of contributors to the community information of this release. * count An integer value indicating the number of votes cast by community members about this release. * country A string with the country of origin of this release. * data-quality String indicating the quality of the data. * date-added A `Date` object of the date this release was added to the Discogs system. * date-changed A `Date` object of the date this release was last changed in the Discogs system. * estimated-weight An integer value to indicate the weight of this release compared to other release in the [Discogs::API::MasterRelease](Discogs::API::MasterRelease). * extraartists A list of [Discogs::API::ArtistSummary](Discogs::API::ArtistSummary) objects for additional artists in this release. * fetch-master-release Fetch the associated [Discogs::API::MasterRelease](Discogs::API::MasterRelease) object. * format-quantity An integer value for the number of formats available for this release. * formats A list of [Discogs::API::Format](Discogs::API::Format) objects that are available for this release. * genres A list of strings describing the genres of this release. * have An integer indicating how many community members have this release. * id The integer value that identifies this release. * identifiers A list of [Discogs::API::Identifier](Discogs::API::Identifier) objects for this release. * images A list of [Discogs::API::Image](Discogs::API::Image) objects for this release. * labels A list of [Discogs::API::CatalogEntry](Discogs::API::CatalogEntry) objects that serve as a "label" for this release. * lowest-price A rational value indicating the lowest price if this release is available in the Discogs Marketplace in the currency that was (implicitely) specified when creating the [Discogs::API](Discogs::API) object. * master-id The integer value of the [Discogs::API::MasterRelease](Discogs::API::MasterRelease) id of this release. * master-url The URL to fetch the master release of this release using the Discogs API. * notes A string with additional notes about this release. * num-for-sale An integer value indicating the number of copies for sale for this release on the Discogs Marketplace. * rating A rational number indicating the rating the members of the community have given this release. * released A string with a machine readable for of the date this release was released. * released-formatted A string with a human readable form of the date this release was released. * resource-url The URL to fetch this [Discogs::API::Release](Discogs::API::Release) object using the Discogs API. * series A list of [Discogs::API::CatalogEntry](Discogs::API::CatalogEntry) objects of which this release is a part of. * status A string indicating the status of the information of this release. * styles A list of strings indicating the styles of this release. * submitter The [Discogs::API::User](Discogs::API::User) object for the submitter of this release. * thumb A URL for a thumbnail image for this release. * title A string with the title of this release. * tracklist A list of [Discogs::API::Track](Discogs::API::Track) objects of this release. * uri The URL to access this release on the Discogs image website. * videos A list of [Discogs::API::Video](Discogs::API::Video) objects associated with this release. * want An integer indicating how many community members want to have this release. * year An integer value of the year this release was released. Discogs::API::SearchResult -------------------------- This object is usually created as part of a [Discogs::API::SearchResults](Discogs::API::SearchResults) object. * cover_image A URL with an image describing this search result. * id An unsigned integer for the ID associated with a release. * master-id An unsigned integer for the ID associated with a master release. * master-url A URL to fetch the information of the associated master release using the Discogs API. * resource-url A URL to fetch the full information for this entry using the Discogs API. * thumb A URL for a thumbail image for this entry. * title A string with the title associated for this entry. * type A string indicating the type of entry. Can be any of: release master artist label * uri A URI to fetch the full information for this release on the Discogs website. * user-data A [Discogs::API::StatsData](Discogs::API::StatsData) object with data. It's probably easier to use the `user-in-collection` and `user-in-wantlist` methods. * user-in-collection An unsigned integer indicating whether the current user has this entry. * user-in-wantlist An unsigned integer indicating whether the current user wants to have this entry. Discogs::API::SearchResults --------------------------- Retrieves a list of [Discogs::API::Searchresult](Discogs::API::Searchresult) objects that match the given query parameters, and pagination settings. * first-page Returns the first page of the information of this object, or `Nil` if already on the first page. * first-page-url The URL to fetch the data of the **first** page of this object using the Discogs API. Returns `Nil` if the there is only one page of information available. * items An integer indicating the total number of [Discogs::API::SearchResult](Discogs::API::SearchResult) objects there are available. * last-page Returns the last page of the information of this object, or `Nil` if already on the last page. * last-page-url The URL to fetch the data of the **last** page of this object using the Discogs API. Returns `Nil` if already on the last page. * next-page Returns the next page of the information of this object, or `Nil` if already on the last page. * next-page-url The URL to fetch the data of the **next** page of this object using the Discogs API. Returns `Nil` if already on the last page. * page An integer indicating the page number of this object. * pages An integer indicating the number of pages of information available for this object. * pagination The [Discogs::API::Pagination](Discogs::API::Pagination) object associted with this object. Usually not needed, as its information is available in shortcut methods. * per-page An integer representing the maximum number of items on a page. * previous-page Returns the previous page of the information of this object, or `Nil` if already on the first page. * previous-page-url The URL to fetch the data of the **previous** page of this object using the Discogs API. Returns `Nil` if already on the first page. * results A list of [Discogs::API::SearchResult](Discogs::API::SearchResult) objects. Discogs::API::Stats ------------------- This object is usually created as part of the [Discogs::API::MasterReleaseVersion](Discogs::API::MasterReleaseVersion) object. * user The [Discogs::API::StatsData](Discogs::API::StatsData) object with statistics of the current user. * user The [Discogs::API::StatsData](Discogs::API::StatsData) object with statistics of the Discogs community. Discogs::API::StatsData ----------------------- This object is usually created as part of the [Discogs::API::Stats](Discogs::API::Stats) object. * in-collection An unsigned integer indicating how many people in the Discogs community have the associated [Discogs::API::MasterReleaseVersion](Discogs::API::MasterReleaseVersion) in their collection. * in-wantlist An unsigned integer indicating how many people in the Discogs community have the associated [Discogs::API::MasterReleaseVersion](Discogs::API::MasterReleaseVersion) in their want list. Discogs::API::SubLabel ---------------------- This object is usually created as part of the [Discogs::API::Label](Discogs::API::Label) object. * id The ID of this sublabel. * name A string with the name of this sublabel. * resource-url The URL to get the full [Discogs::API::Label](Discogs::API::Label) information of this `SubLabel` using the Discogs API. Discogs::API::Track ------------------- The information about a track on a release, usually created automatically as part of a [Discogs::API::Release](Discogs::API::Release) object. * duration A string indicating the duration of this track, usually as "mm:ss". * position A string indication the position of this track, "A" side or "B" side. * title A string containing the title of this track. * type A string to indicate the type of track, usually "track". Discogs::API::User ------------------ This object is usually created as part of other `Discogs::API` objects. * resource-url The URL to get the full [Discogs::API::User](Discogs::API::User) information of this user using the Discogs API. * username The string with which the Discogs user is identified. Discogs::API::UserReleaseRating ------------------------------- Provide the rating a user has given a release. * rating An unsigned integerr with the rating by this user for a release. * release An unsigned integer for the release ID. * username A string for the username. Discogs::API::Value ------------------- An object usually created as part of the [Discogs::API::FilterFacet](Discogs::API::FilterFacet) object. * count An integer indicating an amount. * title A string for the title of this object. * value A string indicating the value of this object. Discogs::API::Video ------------------- The information about a video, usually created automatically as part of a [Discogs::API::Release](Discogs::API::Release) object. * description A string containing the description of this `Video` object. * duration A string indicating the duration of the video, usually as "mm:ss". * embed A Bool indicating whether this video can be embedded. * title A string containing the title (usually "artist - title") of this `Video` object. * uri The URL of the video, usually a link to a YouTube video. AUTHOR ====== Elizabeth Mattijsen Source can be located at: . Comments and Pull Requests are welcome. COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE ===================== Copyright 2020 Elizabeth Mattijsen This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.