NAME ==== Hash::LRU - trait for limiting number of keys in hashes by usage SYNOPSIS ======== use Hash::LRU; # Least Recently Used my %h is LRU; # defaults to elements => 100 my %h is LRU(elements => 42); # note: value must be known at compile time! my %h{Any} is LRU; # object hashes also supported DESCRIPTION =========== Hash::LRU provides a `is LRU` trait on `Hash`es as an easy way to limit the number of keys kept in the `Hash`. Keys will be added as long as the number of keys is under the limit. As soon as a new key is added that would exceed the limit, the least recently used key is removed from the `Hash`. Both "normal" as well as object hashes are supported. EXAMPLE ======= use Hash::LRU; my %h is LRU(elements => 3); %h = "Alex"; %h = "Raku"; %h = "devops"; %h = "Russia"; say %h.raku; # {:location("Russia"), :occupation("devops"), :language("Raku")} AUTHOR ====== Elizabeth Mattijsen Source can be located at: . Comments and Pull Requests are welcome. COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE ===================== Copyright 2018,2020 Elizabeth Mattijsen This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.