[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/lizmat/P5built-ins.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/lizmat/P5built-ins) NAME ==== P5built-ins - Implement Perl 5's built-in functions SYNOPSIS ======== use P5functions; # import all P5 built-in functions supported use P5functions ; # only import specific ones tie my @a, Foo; DESCRIPTION =========== This module provides an easy way to import a growing number of built-in functions of Perl 5 in Perl 6. Currently supported at: caller chomp chop chr each hex index lcfirst length oct ord pack quotemeta ref rindex substr tie tied times ucfirst unpack untie The following file test operators are also available: -r -w -x -e -f -d -s -z -l PORTING CAVEATS =============== Please look at the porting caveats of the underlying modules that actually provide the functionality: module | built-in functions ------------+------------------- P5caller | caller P5each | each P5length | length P5pack | pack unpack P5ref | ref P5tie | tie, tied, untie P5times | times P5-X | -r -w -x -e -f -d -s -z -l AUTHOR ====== Elizabeth Mattijsen Source can be located at: https://github.com/lizmat/P5built-ins . Comments and Pull Requests are welcome. COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE ===================== Copyright 2018 Elizabeth Mattijsen Re-imagined from Perl 5 as part of the CPAN Butterfly Plan. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.