NAME ==== P5caller - Implement Perl's caller() built-in SYNOPSIS ======== use P5caller; sub foo { bar } sub bar { say caller[3] } # foo sub baz { say caller(:scalar) } # GLOBAL my $package = caller DESCRIPTION =========== This module tries to mimic the behaviour of the `caller` function of Perl as closely as possible. ORIGINAL PERL 5 DOCUMENTATION ============================= caller EXPR caller Returns the context of the current pure perl subroutine call. In scalar context, returns the caller's package name if there is a caller (that is, if we're in a subroutine or "eval" or "require") and the undefined value otherwise. caller never returns XS subs and they are skipped. The next pure perl sub will appear instead of the XS sub in caller's return values. In list context, caller returns # 0 1 2 ($package, $filename, $line) = caller; With EXPR, it returns some extra information that the debugger uses to print a stack trace. The value of EXPR indicates how many call frames to go back before the current one. # 0 1 2 3 4 ($package, $filename, $line, $subroutine, $hasargs, # 5 6 7 8 9 10 $wantarray, $evaltext, $is_require, $hints, $bitmask, $hinthash) = caller($i); Here, $subroutine is the function that the caller called (rather than the function containing the caller). Note that $subroutine may be "(eval)" if the frame is not a subroutine call, but an "eval". In such a case additional elements $evaltext and $is_require are set: $is_require is true if the frame is created by a "require" or "use" statement, $evaltext contains the text of the "eval EXPR" statement. In particular, for an "eval BLOCK" statement, $subroutine is "(eval)", but $evaltext is undefined. (Note also that each "use" statement creates a "require" frame inside an "eval EXPR" frame.) $subroutine may also be "(unknown)" if this particular subroutine happens to have been deleted from the symbol table. $hasargs is true if a new instance of @_ was set up for the frame. $hints and $bitmask contain pragmatic hints that the caller was compiled with. $hints corresponds to $^H, and $bitmask corresponds to "${^WARNING_BITS}". The $hints and $bitmask values are subject to change between versions of Perl, and are not meant for external use. $hinthash is a reference to a hash containing the value of "%^H" when the caller was compiled, or "undef" if "%^H" was empty. Do not modify the values of this hash, as they are the actual values stored in the optree. Furthermore, when called from within the DB package in list context, and with an argument, caller returns more detailed information: it sets the list variable @DB::args to be the arguments with which the subroutine was invoked. Be aware that the optimizer might have optimized call frames away before "caller" had a chance to get the information. That means that caller(N) might not return information about the call frame you expect it to, for "N > 1". In particular, @DB::args might have information from the previous time "caller" was called. Be aware that setting @DB::args is best effort, intended for debugging or generating backtraces, and should not be relied upon. In particular, as @_ contains aliases to the caller's arguments, Perl does not take a copy of @_, so @DB::args will contain modifications the subroutine makes to @_ or its contents, not the original values at call time. @DB::args, like @_, does not hold explicit references to its elements, so under certain cases its elements may have become freed and reallocated for other variables or temporary values. Finally, a side effect of the current implementation is that the effects of "shift @_" can normally be undone (but not "pop @_" or other splicing, and not if a reference to @_ has been taken, and subject to the caveat about reallocated elements), so @DB::args is actually a hybrid of the current state and initial state of @_. Buyer beware. PORTING CAVEATS =============== In Perl, `caller` can return an 11 element list. In the Raku implementation only the first 4 elements are the same as in Perl: package, filename, line, subname. The fifth element is actually the `Sub` or `Method` object and as such provides further introspection possibilities not found in Perl. As there is no such thing as `scalar` or `list` context in Raku, one must specify a `:scalar` named parameter to emulate the scalar context return value. AUTHOR ====== Elizabeth Mattijsen Source can be located at: . Comments and Pull Requests are welcome. COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE ===================== Copyright 2018-2020 Elizabeth Mattijsen Re-imagined from Perl as part of the CPAN Butterfly Plan. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.