[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/lizmat/P5lc.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/lizmat/P5lc) NAME ==== P5lc - Implement Perl 5's lc() / uc() built-ins SYNOPSIS ======== use P5lc; say lc "FOOBAR"; # foobar with "ZIPPO" { say lc(); # zippo, may need to use parens to avoid compilation error } say uc "foobar"; # FOOBAR with "zippo" { say uc(); # ZIPPO, may need to use parens to avoid compilation error } DESCRIPTION =========== This module tries to mimic the behaviour of the `lc` / `uc` functions of Perl 5 as closely as possible. ORIGINAL PERL 5 DOCUMENTATION ============================= lc EXPR lc Returns a lowercased version of EXPR. This is the internal function implementing the "\L" escape in double-quoted strings. If EXPR is omitted, uses $_. What gets returned depends on several factors: If "use bytes" is in effect: The results follow ASCII rules. Only the characters "A-Z" change, to "a-z" respectively. Otherwise, if "use locale" (but not "use locale ':not_characters'") is in effect: Respects current LC_CTYPE locale for code points < 256; and uses Unicode rules for the remaining code points (this last can only happen if the UTF8 flag is also set). See perllocale. Starting in v5.20, Perl wil use full Unicode rules if the locale is UTF-8. Otherwise, there is a deficiency in this scheme, which is that case changes that cross the 255/256 boundary are not well-defined. For example, the lower case of LATIN CAPITAL LETTER SHARP S (U+1E9E) in Unicode rules is U+00DF (on ASCII platforms). But under "use locale" (prior to v5.20 or not a UTF-8 locale), the lower case of U+1E9E is itself, because 0xDF may not be LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S in the current locale, and Perl has no way of knowing if that character even exists in the locale, much less what code point it is. Perl returns the input character unchanged, for all instances (and there aren't many) where the 255/256 boundary would otherwise be crossed. Otherwise, If EXPR has the UTF8 flag set: Unicode rules are used for the case change. Otherwise, if "use feature 'unicode_strings'" or "use locale ':not_characters'" is in effect: Unicode rules are used for the case change. Otherwise: ASCII rules are used for the case change. The lowercase of any character outside the ASCII range is the character itself. uc EXPR uc Returns an uppercased version of EXPR. This is the internal function implementing the "\U" escape in double-quoted strings. It does not attempt to do titlecase mapping on initial letters. See "ucfirst" for that. If EXPR is omitted, uses $_. This function behaves the same way under various pragma, such as in a locale, as "lc" does. AUTHOR ====== Elizabeth Mattijsen Source can be located at: https://github.com/lizmat/P5lc . Comments and Pull Requests are welcome. COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE ===================== Copyright 2018 Elizabeth Mattijsen Re-imagined from Perl 5 as part of the CPAN Butterfly Plan. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.