NAME ==== Set::Equality - Implement (==) for older Raku versions SYNOPSIS ======== use Set::Equality; say (1,2,3) (==) (3,1,2); # True DESCRIPTION =========== The `Set::Equality` module implements the `(==)` operator (and its unicode version `≡`, and its counterpart `≢`) for versions of Raku **before** the 2020.06 Rakudo compiler release. Its implementation and tests are identical to the ones from Rakudo 2020.06 and later. On versions of Rakudo that already implement the `(==)` operator and its friends, loading this module is basically a no-op. The `(==)` operator conceptually coerces its parameters to `Set`s for non-`QuantHash` types. So: (1,2,3) (==) (3,1,2) is conceptually the same as: (1,2,3).Set eqv (3,1,2).Set It will however actually do as little actual coercion as possible to provide the `True` or `False` it is to return. For example: (==) %hash will return `True` if there are 3 keys in the hash, and they are `foo`, `bar` and `baz`, and each of these keys holds a truthy value. AUTHOR ====== Elizabeth Mattijsen Source can be located at: . Comments and Pull Requests are welcome. COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE ===================== Copyright 2020, 2021 Elizabeth Mattijsen This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.