NAME ==== provide 'is test-assertion' trait for older Rakus SYNOPSIS ======== ```raku use Test; use Test::Assertion; sub foo-test() is test-assertion { # will never be compile-time error subtest "we do many tests" => { flunk "failed this one"; # <-- points here if doesn't work } } foo-test(); # <-- points here if test-assertion *does* work ``` DESCRIPTION =========== Test::Assertion is a module that provides the `is test-assertion` trait for subroutines, which was introduced in Rakudo 2020.10, to older versions of Raku. This allows module authors to use the `is test-assertion` trait in a module without having to worry whether the version of Raku actually supports that trait. Module authors should add this module to the "test_depends" section of the META information of a module, as it will (most likely) only be needed during testing. Please note that this does **not** actually implement the `is test-assertion` error reporting logic: it merely makes sure that the use of the trait will not be a compile time error in the test-file where it is being used. AUTHOR ====== Elizabeth Mattijsen Source can be located at: . Comments and Pull Requests are welcome. COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE ===================== Copyright 2020 Elizabeth Mattijsen This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.