NAME Net::Twitter::Antispam - Making Twitter usable NOTE This is an alpha-level module, it lacks tests, it may break, on your own head be it. But don't let that put you off contributing modules. VERSION Version 0.01 SYNOPSIS use Net::Twitter::Antispam; my $spam = Net::Twitter::Antispam->new(username=>'foo',password=>'bar', active_plugins => [ 'Example', # Example module that ships with N::T::A, counters a previous spam attack 'LessThan20', #Hypothetical other module that regards people with less than 20 tweets as spam ]; # Gets a Net::Twitter my $t = $spam->twitter; foreach my $follower (@{$t->followers}) { say "Spammer: " . $follower->{screen_name} if $spam->is_user_spammy($follower); # You have the full power of Net::Twitter, but I'd question whether auto-blocking is a good strategy ;) } FUNCTIONS new Constructs the object, Moose-style. Required attributes: username, password, active_plugins is_message_spammy (Str) => Bool Runs all active message plugins, gets the mean and returns whether that is over 50% is_user_spammy (HashRef) => Bool Runs all active user plugins, gets the mean and returns whether that is over 50% run_plugin ( $plugin_sub_name :: Str, $plugin_name :: Str, Array ) The array at the end (not a ref!) contains args to pass to the plugin. For message plugins, it should get the message body. For user plugins it should get the user hashref returned from Net::Twitter. Useful if your plugin depends on the result of other plugins. e.g. run_plugin('is_message_spammy','ContextFreeLinks',$message); MEMBER VARIABLES twitter :: Net::Twitter username :: Str Your twitter username password :: Str Your twitter password active_plugins :: ArrayRef List of plugins (without the Net::Twitter::Antispam::Plugin:: prefix) that you want to activate AUTHOR James Laver, "" SEE ALSO Net::Twitter - This wraps part of the API, you'll want to know how to work it. Net::Twitter::Antispam::Plugin::Example - An example plugin that blocks a previous twitter spam tactic. BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-net-twitter-antispam at", or through the web interface at . I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. SUPPORT * RT: CPAN's request tracker * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation PATCHES WELCOME As stated this is alpha software. If you find a bug, please fix it in github and send me a message letting me know i need to merge it. If you want a feature, the API is stupidly easy, you can probably write it easily. Source is on github: IRC: elpenguin @ (if I'm not there, I'm probably in ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS An anti-thankyou to all of the twitter spammers who made me write this. A thankyou to various members who've shown enthusiasm about the project. COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2009 James Laver, all rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.