NAME WWW::YouTube - YouTube Development Interface (YTDI) SYNOPSIS use lib ( $ENV{'HOME'} ); use WWW::YouTube::Com; ## SEE DESCRIPTION Options (--yt_* options); OPTIONS --yt_* options: opts_type_flag: --yt_apache --yt_mozilla opts_type_numeric: NONE opts_type_string: --yt_canon_tag=string --yt_mozilla_bin=string DESCRIPTION WWW::YouTube is the *Public* *YouTube Development Interface* (YTDI). WWW::YouTube::Com is your *Private* YouTube Developer's Interface. We need your private user, pass and dev_id defined here. To use the YouTube Development Interface (YTDI) through your own YouTube Developer's Interface, you need to have a YouTube username and password, and you'll need to register with YouTube as a Developer in order to get a Developer ID for the YouTube Developer's API at By the way, you need to go directly to YouTube at to do your registering, and you must think up a really good excuse for your desire to become a registered YouTube Developer. DON'T use something like helping me to develop programs to protect the registered teenagers and the General Public, including children, from being exposed to too much adult content and other inappropriate material. It might not work to well, since on 06/14/2006, YouTube BLACKLISTED me for cleaning up the "hot babes," "foot fettish" and "bondage tickling" videos I found on YouTube. README at, if you can. It has been 24 hours, and the YouTube Administrators still haven't told me why my account has been disabled. YouTube, what is my "Terms of Use" offense to you? I'll keep trying to get an answer, because as long as this guy or this girl are still YouTube "Gold Club" members, or the "Head" YouTube Administrators doing their daily "Self Worship" routine, things need to be corrected and all Children, Teenagers and the General Public, need to be protected continually with "Extreme Prejudice." Luke 9:5, "If people do not welcome you, shake the dust off your feet when you leave their town, as a testimony against them." --NIV Luke 10:11, "Even the dust of your town that sticks to our feet we wipe off against you. Yet be sure of this: The kingdom of God is near." --NIV Now, just because a public video on YouTube has been flagged as inappropriate material for the General Public, doesn't mean that a registered adult can't watch it. Flagging keeps YouTube registered teenagers, and YouTube's unregistered General Public viewers, including children, from being able to view the contents of a public video identified as an inappropriate video, viewable by registered adults only, if they *explicitly* choose to be viewing the public videos flagged as "inappropriate material," during their *current* login session. You'll need to *educate* yourself and *experiment* with YouTube *directly*, before going hog-wild with my WWW::YouTube applications, like I did, flagging videos. "To protect children," that's my central theme and purpose for this EXPERIMENTAL *YouTube Development Interface* (YTDI) project, called WWW::YouTube. What happens with the YTDI really depends on Who, What, When, Where and Which action it's activated. And Why, and How? What *actually* happens, Why or How it *happened*, really matters in this world we live in, doesn't it? Matthew 3:12, "His winnowing fork is in his hand, and he will clear his threshing floor, gathering his wheat into the barn and burning up the chaff with unquenchable fire." -- NIV README AGAIN at, if you can. WWW::YouTube: "Keep it FUN, CLEAN and REAL," -- "to protect children!" SEE ALSO *WWW::YouTube::Com* *WWW::YouTube::ML* *WWW::YouTube::XML* *WWW::YouTube::HTML* AUTHOR Copyright (C) 2006 Eric R. Meyers LICENSE perl