## DESCRIPTION FanFou is a oauth client inspared by [fanfou-py](https://docs.setq.me/oh-my-robot/fanfou-api.html). The module provides several ways to authorize, see [Fanfou API OAuth](https://github.com/FanfouAPI/FanFouAPIDoc/wiki/Oauth) for more details. ## Example ```perl6 use FanFou; my %oauth_consumer = key => 'your_consumer_key', secret => 'your_secret_key'; # get client my $client = XAuth.new(oauth_consumer => %oauth_consumer, username => 'your_username', password => 'your_password'); # get response my $resp = from-json await $client.request('/statuses/home_timeline', 'GET').body-text; say $resp.perl; # post a message my %body = 'status' => 'Hi, fan, I'm a robot'; $client.request('/statuses/update', 'POST', %body); ``` ## AUTHOR ohmycloud@gmail.com ## COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright 2018 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.