NAME YAML::LibYAML - LibYAML bindings for Perl SYNOPSIS use YAML::LibYAML; my $yaml = Dump [ 1..4 ]; my $array = Load $yaml; DESCRIPTION Kirill Siminov's "libyaml" is arguably the best YAML implementation. The C library is written precisely to the YAML 1.1 specification. It was originally bound to Python and was later bound to Ruby. This module is a Perl XS binding to libyaml which will (eventually) offer Perl the best YAML support to date. This module exports the functions "Dump" and "Load". These functions are intended to work exactly like ""'s corresponding functions. SUPPORTED: * Unblessed hashes * Unblessed arrays * Unblessed scalars * Duplicate hash/array refs * Circular refs * Scalar refs * Empty Strings * Undef values * JSON true/false roundtripping UNSUPPORTED: * Blessed stuff * Typeglobs * Regexps * Code refs * Format refs * File handles (IO refs) NOTE: This very early proof-of-concept does not yet support YAML type tags. And perl specific stuff like globs. On the other hand, this module supports the full YAML syntax for everything else. There are no known bugs in libyaml yet. YAML::LibYAML passes all tests defined by YAML::Tests. This work should progress quickly so check back often. AUTHOR Ingy döt Net COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2007. Ingy döt Net. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See