README - EvoScript v4.00 b1_01 - Wednesday July 1, 1998 Requirements: The following third-party libraries sre required for EvoScript to function. Current versions should be available for downloadable from CPAN (, but for convenience, copies of these libraries are also included in this distribution. Class::MethodMaker Ref Time::JulianDay Time::ParseDate URI::Heuristic Relational database support requires one or more of the following libraries which are not included in this distribution. Support for additional database interfaces through the DBI system is anticipated in an upcomming release. Mysql Win32::ODBC Manifest: EvoScript.cgi The core EvoScript executable, configured for use with CGI. EvoScript_Included.cgi The EvoScript executable combined with all of the required Perl modules into a single, 13,000 line executable. If you're looking for a simple installation choice, this might be it -- all you need is Perl 5.003 or later and a directory to hold your scripted page files. EvoScript_DB.cgi The EvoScript executable with additional modules that provide an OOP database interface. Supports tab-delimited text files and supports MySQL and Win32::ODBC, if these are installed/available in your Perl. docs/ HTML and text versions available at EvoDoc.pod This document is nessecary reading for any evoscript user. It contains instructions for installation, configuration and EvoScript authoring. Tags.pod Definitions of all the basic EvoScript tags. Catalogue.pod A list of all of the top level packages in the EvoScript supporting libraries. examples/ A simple script to test installation. people.peage A sample script showing how perl and evoscript can be combined to write little applications. lib/ The EvoScript supporting libraries. POD is embedded in each library file for more detailed explanation. cpan-libs/ Third-party libraries that are not in the core distribution and are used by the EvoScript framework. Installation: See docs/EvoDoc.pod Release Notes: The documentation in this release is incomplete. For example, much of EvoScript's database wrapping functionality remains undocumented. This documentation is in the works and should be available sometime soon. So if you've downoladed this release, be sure to check the web site in a few weeks for the new documentation and sample record resources. The package names may be modified to better conform to CPAN convention after this release. -- Copyright 1998 Evolution Online Systems Jeremy Bishop The most recent version of EvoScript is available at