List::Compare - Compare elements of two or more lists This document refers to version 0.52 of List::Compare. This version was released May 21 2015. To install this module on your system, place the tarball archive file in a temporary directory and call the following: % gunzip List-Compare-0.52.tar.gz % tar xf List-Compare-0.52.tar % cd List-Compare-0.52 % perl Makefile.PL % make % make test % make install If during installation you wish to view more information on test results, substitute the fllowing for the sixth line in the sequence of commands above: % make test TEST=VERBOSE If you are installing this module over any earlier version, you may substitute the following for the last line in the sequence of commands above: % make install UNINST=1 If you are installing this module on a Win32 system with 'nmake', substitute 'nmake' for 'make' in the sequence of commands above. The author has found that trying to install this distribution with (a) older (pre-6.16) versions of ExtUtils::MakeMaker, (b) on older versions of Perl (e.g., 5.6.0), and (c) on older Linux distributions (e.g., RedHat Linux 7.3) can result in a situation where the module's Plain Old Documentation, when transformed into manual pages, is not automatically placed in the optimal location for reading thru 'man' and 'info' (even though it reads perfectly through 'perldoc'). If you experience this problem, issue the following at the command line (adapted from a suggestion by Michael Schwern on the module-authors mailing list): % perl Makefile.PL INSTALLSITEMAN3DIR=/usr/share/man/man3 List::Compare uses the Carp module which is part of the standard Perl distribution. Other than that, there are no module dependencies in this version of List::Compare. Certain methods in this version of List::Compare are included solely for backwards compatibility with earlier versions and are deprecated. When called, they print warning messages via Carp. In earlier versions of List::Compare these warning messages would appear when you called 'make test' as part of the installation process. This was harmless but annoying and has been fixed. Beginning with version 0.25 in April 2004, there is a modification to the interface of two methods/functions: are_members_which() and are_members_any(). Whereas previously the strings to be tested could be passed to the subroutine either as a flat list or via a reference to an anonymous array, now those items must be passed via reference to an anonymous array. Beginning with version 0.26 in April 2004, the functionality previously found in List::Compare::SeenHash has been incorporated directly into List::Compare. Hence, List::Compare::SeenHash and the test suite files associated with it have been deprecated and are no longer included in the CPAN distribution. Please see the List::Compare documentation for further details. In sending e-mail to the author, please put "List::Compare" or "List-Compare" in the subject line. Author: James E. Keenan ( Originally created May 20, 2002. Copyright (c) 2002-15 James E. Keenan. United States. All rights reserved. This is free software and may be distributed under the same terms as Perl itself.