CGI/Application/GDGraph/lines_ap version 0.01 ========================================== This is pre-beta ALPHA release. This module is written with a view to its use in the area of performance and availablity management of small to large computer systems where data such as CPU, disk, swap usage are more easily interpreted when plotted as graphical images. This need not be the only application of this module as any numeric 'tabular' data may be plotted using this method. The kind of data retrieved from systems such as hard drive, CPU, memory utilisation etc lends itself well to dynamically generated line graphs. Although it is easy to generate graphs 'on the fly' using GD and the Perl module GD::Graph, having a re-usable module that can be customised and rapidly deployed throughout a web infrastucture can cut out a lot of 'cutting and pasting'. The combination of CGI::Application, CGI::Session and GD::Graph into this 'wrapper' module 'GDGraph::Lines' seeks to make this goal more attainable. An on line graph together with an HTML page in which to render it that is itself 'template driven' should be easy to set up within the framework that this module has to offer. Session state data is maintained by CGI::Session so there is little need to transfer complex 'CGI parameter based' data between the outer web application and this module. Thus data transfer is simplified and more private. CGI::Application::GDGraph::lines is an answer to the book 'Writing Perl Modules for CPAN - Tregar's suggestion to use CGI::Application to build re-usable web applications. INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install DEPENDENCIES This module requires these other modules and libraries: CGI::Application CGI::Session GD GD::Graph GD::Data COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Put the correct copyright and licence information here. Copyright (C) 2004 jon brookes This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.