bookmarks - Export browser bookmarks as plain text. =================================================== SYNOPSIS -------- $ bookmarks [-hVda] [-f format] [file ...] -h, --help help -V, --version version -d debug -a all files : process arguments and default locations -f format any combination of letters t,u,d as title/url/description (default : tud) DESCRIPTION ----------- `bookmarks` is a tool to export bookmarks from files supplied as arguments, or from browsers default locations (without arguments). The following browsers and platform are supported : Safari (Mac), Firefox (Mac/Linux/Windows) and Internet Explorer (Windows). Files with .plist and .sqlite extensions are processed as Safari and Firefox bookmarks, respectively, and directories named "Favorites" are processed as Internet Explorer favorites. The fields ``, `<url>` and `<description>` are retrieved (when existing) and are available for exporting (in the desired format), by default : `<title> <url> <description>` The `<description>` field is filled with Safari's Description, Firefox's Tags or empty for Internet Explorer. SEARCH BOOKMARKS INTERACTIVELY FROM CLI --------------------------------------- This tool can be used to search and open bookmarks interactively from the CLI. The following instructions are for macOS, but it should be similar on any regular OS. ![](tty.png) Install the wonderful [fzf]( (available in [Homebrew](, [URI::Find]( (CPAN), [App::uricolor]( (CPAN), and add these aliases to your shell : **Open links(s) with default application :** ``` alias lk=" | uricolor | fzf --ansi --exact --multi | urifind | xargs open" ``` **Copy links(s) to clipboard :** ``` alias lkc=" | uricolor | fzf --ansi --exact --multi | urifind | pbcopy" ``` - `uricolor` colorizes URIs to distinguish them from title and description. - `fzf` is a fuzzy finder (with many options) : use TAB for multiple selection, press ENTER to confirm, or ESC to cancel. - `urifind` extracts all URIs. Try `uricolor -s` and `urifind --schemeless` to find schemeless URLs. - Selected URIs will open with your default browser or application. - Since `open` uses macOS _Launch Services_ to determine which program to run, most common schemes such as `ftp://` or `ssh://` are automatically recognized. INSTALLATION ------------ To install this module automatically from CPAN : cpan App::bookmarks To install this module automatically from Git repository : cpanm To install this module manually, run the following commands : perl Makefile.PL make make test make install PREREQUISITES ------------- DBI, Config::Any, Config::Tiny (optional, for IE only), Win32 (optional) SUPPORT AND DOCUMENTATION ------------------------- After installing, you can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command : perldoc bookmarks You can also look for information at : - CPAN []( - GITHUB []( LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT --------------------- This software is Copyright (c) 2019 by jul. This is free software, licensed under: The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)