Net/IRCService version 0.02 ============================ Net::IRCService is suposed to be a easy interface to create more or less usefull IRC-Services. If you have worked with Net::IRC before, you will fast get to grip on how this module works. It has -almost- the same event-driven interface. It lets you add one or more event handlers to EVENTS seen by the module. This module is first of all made for personal use, but it would be fun to see if anyone else would get any fun out of this module. But, be aware, this is the first and initial release, and its not tested too much. Im sure there are some bugs yet to be found, so please dont put it right in to a production network without testing it first. This module was devloped out from my experience from hybrid6/7 and bahamut, and is know to work (atlast connect to, and stay connected when idle) with following versions: o ircd-hybrid-6.3.1 o ircd-hybrid-7rc8 o bahamut-1.4.33 INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make install DEPENDENCIES This module requires these other modules and libraries: o POSIX o IO::Select o IO::Socket o Socket o Fcntl (All found in the standard perl suit) BUGS If you find any bugs, please send a mail to me about it. If you know how to fix it, send me a patch. If you want to add support for any other ircd, please do so. I dont think I will add any other protocols unless -I- need it. TODO o Add some kind of user/cannel/server handling. o HasOp(channel, nick) o IsOper(nick) o ChanMembers(channel) ... and so on. o Make some tools to make life abit easyer; o Give(Op|Voice), Take(Op|Voice), nickmode, chanmode, settopic, add/delban o ForbidChannel, ForbidNickname, CloseChannel, ClearChannel, and so on o Database interface (DBI to mysql, posgres, oracle, DBD) ? o DCC module o Command handling. (Commands from users on IRC ??troh?? PRIVMSG or NOTICE) DISCLAMER Yes, I know, my english sucks. :) But, Im doing my werry best, so I really dont care. (I think you will understand everything if you try). Feel free to correct my mnglish and send your version to me. COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE © Copyright (C) 2002 Kay Sindre Baerulfsen This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the GNU General Public License (Version 2, June 1991) Share and Enjoy!