NAME Color::Swatch::ASE::Reader - Low-Level ASE (Adobe Swatch Exchange) File decoder VERSION version 0.001003 SYNOPSIS use Color::Swatch::ASE::Reader; my $hash = Color::Swatch::ASE::Reader->read_file(q[./myfile.ase]); print Dumper($hash); # { # signature => 'ASEF', # version => [ 1, 0 ], # blocks => [ # { type => 'group_start', group => 13, label => "My Swatch" }, # { type => 'color', # group => 1, label => "Some Shade", # model => 'RGB ', values => [ 0.9, 0.8, 0.7 ], color_type => 2 }, # { type => 'group_end' }, # ] # } This at present is very low-level simple structure decoding, and is probably not useful to most people. Its based on the reverse-engineered specification of Adobeā„¢'s "Swatch Exchange" format, which can be found documented many places: * file formats * ase file maker * ase file format reverse engineering METHODS "read_file" my $hash = CSASE::Reader->read_file("path/to/file.ase"); "read_filehandle" my $hash = CSASE::Reader->read_filehandle($fh); "read_string" my $hash = CSASE::Reader->read_string($string); AUTHOR Kent Fredric COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Kent Fredric . This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.