NAME WebService::Async - Non-blocking interface to web service APIs SYNOPSIS use WebService::Async; use WebService::Async::Parser::JSON; my $wa = WebService::Async->new( base_url => '', param => { v => '1.0', langpair => 'en|it' }, response_parser => WebService::Async::Parser::JSON->new, on_done => sub { my ($service, $id, $res, $req) = @_; print $req->param->{'q'} . " => "; print "$res->{responseData}->{translatedText}\n"; }, ); $wa->add_get( q => 'apple' ); $wa->add_get( q => 'orange' ); $wa->add_get( q => 'banana', langpair => 'en|fr' ); $wa->send_request; # sending three requests in parallel. Results below. orange => arancione banana => la banane apple => mela DESCRIPTION WebService::Async is a non-blocking interface to web service APIs. This is similar to WebService::Simple but this is a non-blocking one. So this module helps "PSGI/Plack streaming" programming with Tatsumaki and Gearman. See example 11. * Easy to use asynchronous request. * Caching with memcached. * Retrying automatically on error. * Logging with Log::Dispatch::Config (starting connection, storing cache, cache hit, etc...) * Flexibly customizable. EXAMPLES Here is 11 simple examples. Example 1. A very simple "Synchronous Request" pattern Here is a very simple usage. It is almost the same as "WebService::Simple" module. SOURCE use WebService::Async; my $wa = WebService::Async->new( base_url => '', param => { v => '1.0', langpair => 'en|it' }, ); my $ret = $wa->get( q => 'hello' ); # send get request print $ret->get; RESULTS {"responseData": {"translatedText":"ciao"}, "responseDetails": null, "responseStatus": 200} Example 2. "Synchronous Request" with a response parser It is almost the same as "WebService::Simple" module. SOURCE use WebService::Async; use WebService::Async::Parser::JSON; my $wa = WebService::Async->new( base_url => '', param => { v => '1.0', langpair => 'en|it' }, response_parser => WebService::Async::Parser::JSON->new, ); my $ret = $wa->get( q => 'hello' ); # send get request print $ret->get->{responseData}->{translatedText}; RESULTS ciao Example 3. Asynchronous request You have to get or create the access-key which relates the response to the request. SOURCE use WebService::Async; use WebService::Async::Parser::JSON; my $wa = WebService::Async->new( base_url => '', param => { v => '1.0', langpair => 'en|it' }, response_parser => WebService::Async::Parser::JSON->new, ); # USING THE AUTOMATIC GENERATED KEY my $apple_key = $wa->add_get( q => 'apple' ); my $orange_key = $wa->add_get( q => 'orange' ); my $grape_key = $wa->add_get( q => 'grape' ); my $ret = $wa->send_request; # blocking here automatically and sending 3 asynchronous requests. print $ret->get($orange_key)->{responseData}->{translatedText} . "\n"; # USING YOUR OWN SPECIFIED KEY $wa->add_get(id => 1, param => { q => 'pear' }); $wa->add_get(id => 2, param => { q => 'banana'}); $wa->add_get(id => 3, lang => 'fr', param => { q => 'cherry', langpair => 'en|fr' }); $ret = $wa->send_request; # blocking here automatically and sending 3 asynchronous requests. print $ret->get([id => 3, lang => 'fr'])->{responseData}->{translatedText}. "\n"; RESULTS arancione cerise Example 4. Asyncronous request with callback You can get results in your own callback function. SOURCE use WebService::Async; use WebService::Async::Parser::JSON; my $wa = WebService::Async->new( base_url => '', param => { v => '1.0', langpair => 'en|it' }, response_parser => WebService::Async::Parser::JSON->new, on_done => sub { my ( $async, $keys, $result ) = @_; print "on_done =>" . " key(@{$keys}):" . " value($result->{responseData}->{translatedText})\n"; }, on_complete => sub { my ( $async, $result ) = @_; print "on_complete\n"; for ( $result->keys ) { print " key(@{$_}): value(" . $result->get($_)->{responseData}->{translatedText} . ")\n"; } }, ); $wa->add_get( id => 1, param => { q => 'apple' } ); $wa->add_get( id => 2, param => { q => 'orange' }, sub { print "on_done => override!\n" } ); $wa->add_get( id => 3, lang => 'fr', param => { q => 'grape', langpair => 'en|fr' } ); $wa->send_request; # blocking here automatically and sending 3 asynchronous requests. RESULTS on_done => key(id 3 lang fr): value(raisins) on_done => override! on_done => key(id 1): value(mela) on_complete key(id 2): value(arancione) key(id 3 lang fr): value(raisins) key(id 1): value(mela) Example 5. Asyncronous Request without auto blocking If you are familiar with AnyEvent, you can use non-blocking 'send_request'; This usage is useful when you want to access two or more sites at the same time. SOURCE use WebService::Async; use WebService::Async::Parser::JSON; my $cv = AE::cv; my $wa = WebService::Async->new( base_url => '', param => { v => '1.0', langpair => 'en|it' }, response_parser => WebService::Async::Parser::JSON->new, on_complete => \&on_complete, auto_block => 0, # change block mode to manual ); sub on_complete { my ( $async, $result ) = @_; print "on_complete\n"; for my $key ( $result->keys ) { my $text = $result->get($key)->{responseData}->{translatedText}; print " key(@{${key}}): value(${text})\n"; } $cv->send; } $wa->add_get( id => 1, param => { q => 'apple' } ); $wa->add_get( id => 2, param => { q => 'orange' } ); $wa->add_get( id => 3, param => { q => 'grape' } ); $wa->send_request; $cv->recv; # You have to block by your responsibility. RESULTS on_complete key(id 2): value(arancione) key(id 3): value(uva) key(id 1): value(mela) Example 6. Logging If you want to using automatic logging, sets the Log::Dispatch instance to the logger attribute. SOURCE use WebService::Async; use WebService::Async::Parser::JSON; use FindBin qw($Bin); use Log::Dispatch::Config; use Log::Dispatch::Configurator::YAML; my $configure = Log::Dispatch::Configurator::YAML->new("${Bin}/log_config.yaml"); Log::Dispatch::Config->configure($configure); my $logger = Log::Dispatch::Config->instance; my $wa = WebService::Async->new( base_url => '', param => { v => '1.0', langpair => 'en|it' }, response_parser => WebService::Async::Parser::JSON->new, on_complete => \&on_complete, logger => $logger, ); sub on_complete { my ( $async, $result ) = @_; print "on_complete\n"; for my $key ( $result->keys ) { my $text = $result->get($key)->{responseData}->{translatedText}; print " key(@{${key}}): value(${text})\n"; } } $wa->add_get( id => 1, param => { q => 'apple' } ); $wa->add_get( id => 2, param => { q => 'orange' } ); $wa->add_get( id => 3, param => { q => 'grape' } ); $wa->send_request; RESULTS [Tue Sep 28 15:48:48 2010] [info] Invoke 'add_get' method. at /opt/perl/lib/site_perl/5.10.0/WebService/ line 111 [Tue Sep 28 15:48:48 2010] [debug] Push a request into the request queue. at /opt/perl/lib/site_perl/5.10.0/WebService/ line 111 [Tue Sep 28 15:48:48 2010] [info] Invoke 'add_get' method. at /opt/perl/lib/site_perl/5.10.0/WebService/ line 111 [Tue Sep 28 15:48:48 2010] [debug] Push a request into the request queue. at /opt/perl/lib/site_perl/5.10.0/WebService/ line 111 [Tue Sep 28 15:48:48 2010] [info] Invoke 'add_get' method. at /opt/perl/lib/site_perl/5.10.0/WebService/ line 111 [Tue Sep 28 15:48:48 2010] [debug] Push a request into the request queue. at /opt/perl/lib/site_perl/5.10.0/WebService/ line 111 [Tue Sep 28 15:48:48 2010] [info] Invoke 'send_request' method. at /opt/perl/lib/site_perl/5.10.0/WebService/ line 111 [Tue Sep 28 15:48:48 2010] [debug] Start processing request queue. at /opt/perl/lib/site_perl/5.10.0/WebService/ line 111 [Tue Sep 28 15:48:48 2010] [debug] Set the busy flag is true. at /opt/perl/lib/site_perl/5.10.0/WebService/ line 111 [Tue Sep 28 15:48:48 2010] [debug] Start processing request: at /opt/perl/lib/site_perl/5.10.0/WebService/ line 111 [Tue Sep 28 15:48:48 2010] [info] Does not hit any caches: at /opt/perl/lib/site_perl/5.10.0/WebService/ line 111 [Tue Sep 28 15:48:48 2010] [debug] Start processing request: at /opt/perl/lib/site_perl/5.10.0/WebService/ line 111 [Tue Sep 28 15:48:48 2010] [info] Does not hit any caches: at /opt/perl/lib/site_perl/5.10.0/WebService/ line 111 [Tue Sep 28 15:48:48 2010] [debug] Start processing request: at /opt/perl/lib/site_perl/5.10.0/WebService/ line 111 [Tue Sep 28 15:48:48 2010] [info] Does not hit any caches: at /opt/perl/lib/site_perl/5.10.0/WebService/ line 111 [Tue Sep 28 15:48:48 2010] [debug] Invoking http_request method [first time] (method=GET url= at /opt/perl/lib/site_perl/5.10.0/WebService/ line 111 [Tue Sep 28 15:48:48 2010] [debug] Invoking http_request method [first time] (method=GET url= at /opt/perl/lib/site_perl/5.10.0/WebService/ line 111 [Tue Sep 28 15:48:48 2010] [debug] Invoking http_request method [first time] (method=GET url= at /opt/perl/lib/site_perl/5.10.0/WebService/ line 111 [Tue Sep 28 15:48:49 2010] [debug] Receive a response from at /opt/perl/lib/site_perl/5.10.0/WebService/ line 111 [Tue Sep 28 15:48:49 2010] [debug] Parse a response. at /opt/perl/lib/site_perl/5.10.0/WebService/ line 111 [Tue Sep 28 15:48:49 2010] [debug] Set a parsed response into the internal store. at /opt/perl/lib/site_perl/5.10.0/WebService/ line 111 [Tue Sep 28 15:48:49 2010] [debug] Convert a parsed response to the specified format. at /opt/perl/lib/site_perl/5.10.0/WebService/ line 111 [Tue Sep 28 15:48:49 2010] [info] One request is successfully completed. Execute 'on_done' callback. at /opt/perl/lib/site_perl/5.10.0/WebService/ line 111 [Tue Sep 28 15:48:51 2010] [debug] Receive a response from at /opt/perl/lib/site_perl/5.10.0/WebService/ line 111 [Tue Sep 28 15:48:51 2010] [debug] Parse a response. at /opt/perl/lib/site_perl/5.10.0/WebService/ line 111 [Tue Sep 28 15:48:51 2010] [debug] Set a parsed response into the internal store. at /opt/perl/lib/site_perl/5.10.0/WebService/ line 111 [Tue Sep 28 15:48:51 2010] [debug] Convert a parsed response to the specified format. at /opt/perl/lib/site_perl/5.10.0/WebService/ line 111 [Tue Sep 28 15:48:51 2010] [info] One request is successfully completed. Execute 'on_done' callback. at /opt/perl/lib/site_perl/5.10.0/WebService/ line 111 [Tue Sep 28 15:48:51 2010] [debug] Receive a response from at /opt/perl/lib/site_perl/5.10.0/WebService/ line 111 [Tue Sep 28 15:48:51 2010] [debug] Parse a response. at /opt/perl/lib/site_perl/5.10.0/WebService/ line 111 [Tue Sep 28 15:48:51 2010] [debug] Set a parsed response into the internal store. at /opt/perl/lib/site_perl/5.10.0/WebService/ line 111 [Tue Sep 28 15:48:51 2010] [debug] Convert a parsed response to the specified format. at /opt/perl/lib/site_perl/5.10.0/WebService/ line 111 [Tue Sep 28 15:48:51 2010] [info] One request is successfully completed. Execute 'on_done' callback. at /opt/perl/lib/site_perl/5.10.0/WebService/ line 111 [Tue Sep 28 15:48:51 2010] [debug] The request is successfully completed. Clear the busy flag. at /opt/perl/lib/site_perl/5.10.0/WebService/ line 111 [Tue Sep 28 15:48:51 2010] [debug] The request is successfully completed. Clear all parsed responses. at /opt/perl/lib/site_perl/5.10.0/WebService/ line 111 [Tue Sep 28 15:48:51 2010] [info] All the request is successfully completed. Execute 'on_complete' callback. at /opt/perl/lib/site_perl/5.10.0/WebService/ line 111 on_complete key(id 2): value(arancione) key(id 3): value(uva) key(id 1): value(mela) Example 7. Asyncronous Request with response converter You can customize the response by using a custom function or existing converter classes like WebService::Async::Converter::XMLSimple. SOURCE use Text::MicroTemplate::DataSection 'render_mt'; use WebService::Async; use WebService::Async::Parser::JSON; use WebService::Async::Converter::XMLSimple; use WebService::Async::Converter::Function; my $wa = WebService::Async->new( base_url => '', param => { v => '1.0', langpair => 'en|it' }, response_parser => WebService::Async::Parser::JSON->new, on_done => sub { my ( $sv, $id, $result ) = @_; print "${result}\n"; }, ); # It is useless because you can not relate the request to the response. # See the "Expected results below". $wa->response_converter( WebService::Async::Converter::XMLSimple->new ); # You can customize the response by using a custom function. $wa->whole_response_converter( WebService::Async::Converter::Function->new( converter => \&_converter ) ); sub _converter { my ( $sv, $request, $parsed_response ) = @_; my $converted_reponse = render_mt( 'whole_template', $parsed_response )->as_string; return $converted_reponse; } # translating $wa->add_get( id => 1, lang => 'fr', param => { q => 'apple', langpair => 'en|fr' } ); $wa->add_get( id => 2, lang => 'it', param => { q => 'orange' } ); $wa->add_get( id => 3, lang => 'it', param => { q => 'grape' } ); my $result = $wa->send_request; print "${result}\n"; __DATA__ @@ whole_template ? for my $key ($_[0]->keys_as_hash) { ? my $text = $_[0]->get($key)->{responseData}->{translatedText}; ? } RESULTS --- Output from on_done. --- It is useless because you can not relate the request to the response. mela 200 uva 200 arancione 200 --- --- Output from send_request --- Relating the request to the resposne by using the key. uva Apple arancione --- Example 8. Caching with memcached You can cache the responses by using Cache::Memcached. The log is outputted when the cache stores or retrieves. SOURCE use Cache::Memcached; use WebService::Async; use WebService::Async::Parser::JSON; use WebService::Async::ResponseCache; use FindBin qw($Bin); use Log::Dispatch::Config; use Log::Dispatch::Configurator::YAML; my $configure = Log::Dispatch::Configurator::YAML->new("${Bin}/log_config.yaml"); Log::Dispatch::Config->configure($configure); my $logger = Log::Dispatch::Config->instance; my $wa = WebService::Async->new( base_url => '', param => { v => '1.0', langpair => 'en|fr', }, auto_block => 1, response_parser => WebService::Async::Parser::JSON->new, logger => $logger, ); $wa->response_cache( WebService::Async::ResponseCache->new( cache => Cache::Memcached->new( { servers => ['localhost:11211'] } ) ) ); $wa->add_get( id => 1, lang => 'en', param => { q => 'apple' } ); $wa->add_get( id => 2, lang => 'en', param => { q => 'banana' } ); my $result = $wa->send_request(); RESULTS -- First time execution: setting caches. [Wed Sep 29 10:23:25 2010] [info] Does not hit any caches: at /opt/perl/lib/site_perl/5.10.0/WebService/ line 111 [Wed Sep 29 10:23:25 2010] [info] Does not hit any caches: at /opt/perl/lib/site_perl/5.10.0/WebService/ line 111 [Wed Sep 29 10:23:25 2010] [debug] Cache set at: at /opt/perl/lib/site_perl/5.10.0/WebService/ line 111 [Wed Sep 29 10:23:27 2010] [debug] Cache set at: at /opt/perl/lib/site_perl/5.10.0/WebService/ line 111 -- Second time execution: retrieving from caches. [Wed Sep 29 10:12:52 2010] [info] Cache hit: at /opt/perl/lib/site_perl/5.10.0/WebService/ line 111 [Wed Sep 29 10:12:52 2010] [info] Cache hit: at /opt/perl/lib/site_perl/5.10.0/WebService/ line 111 Example 9. Handling exceptions This is a list of the prohibited matter. SOURCE use Try::Tiny; use WebService::Async; my $cv = AE::cv; my $wa = WebService::Async->new( base_url => '', param => { v => '1.0', langpair => 'en|fr', }, auto_block => 0, ); $wa->add_get( q => 'apple' ); $wa->add_get( id => 1, param => { q => 'banana' } ); # The requst key is duplicate. try { $wa->add_get( id => 1, param => { q => 'banana' } ); } catch { warn $_; }; $wa->send_request; # Cannot change the 'auto_block' attribute while the request queue is processing. try { $wa->auto_block(1); } catch { warn $_; }; # Cannnot send the another request while the request queue is processing. try { $wa->send_request; } catch { warn $_; }; # If the status code of the response header is /^2/, # throws "HTTP connection error occurred. The status code is '%s'." exception. RESULTS The requst key is duplicate. at /opt/perl/lib/site_perl/5.10.0/WebService/ line 198 WebService::Async::_add_request('WebService::Async=HASH(0xa086778)', 'GET', 'id', 1, 'param', 'HASH(0xa53db30)') called at /opt/perl/lib/site_perl/5.10.0/WebService/ line 76 WebService::Async::add_get('WebService::Async=HASH(0xa086778)', 'id', 1, 'param', 'HASH(0xa53db30)') called at examples/ line 23 main::__ANON__() called at /opt/perl/lib/site_perl/5.10.0/Try/ line 76 eval {...} called at /opt/perl/lib/site_perl/5.10.0/Try/ line 67 Try::Tiny::try('CODE(0xa08ebd0)', 'Try::Tiny::Catch=REF(0xa4fce78)') called at examples/ line 27 Cannot change the 'auto_block' attribute while the request queue is processing. at /opt/perl/lib/site_perl/5.10.0/WebService/ line 43 Class::MOP::Class:::before('WebService::Async=HASH(0xa086778)', 1) called at /opt/perl/lib/site_perl/5.10.0/i686-linux-thread-multi/Class/MOP/Method/ line 47 Class::MOP::Method::Wrapped::__ANON__('WebService::Async=HASH(0xa086778)', 1) called at /opt/perl/lib/site_perl/5.10.0/i686-linux-thread-multi/Class/MOP/Method/ line 89 WebService::Async::auto_block('WebService::Async=HASH(0xa086778)', 1) called at examples/ line 32 main::__ANON__() called at /opt/perl/lib/site_perl/5.10.0/Try/ line 76 eval {...} called at /opt/perl/lib/site_perl/5.10.0/Try/ line 67 Try::Tiny::try('CODE(0xa51a330)', 'Try::Tiny::Catch=REF(0xa53dab0)') called at examples/ line 36 Cannot send the another request while the request queue is processing. at /opt/perl/lib/site_perl/5.10.0/WebService/Async/Role/ line 221 WebService::Async::Role::RequestProcessor::_process_request_queue('WebService::Async=HASH(0xa086778)') called at /opt/perl/lib/site_perl/5.10.0/WebService/ line 93 WebService::Async::send_request('WebService::Async=HASH(0xa086778)') called at examples/ line 40 main::__ANON__() called at /opt/perl/lib/site_perl/5.10.0/Try/ line 76 eval {...} called at /opt/perl/lib/site_perl/5.10.0/Try/ line 67 Try::Tiny::try('CODE(0xa51a330)', 'Try::Tiny::Catch=REF(0xa51ae20)') called at examples/ line 44 Example 10. Subclassing See WebService::Async::Google::TranslateV1_0 Example 11. Proxy Server for Google Translation Service. This is a more complicated example using Plack, Tatsumaki and Subclassing(WebService::Async::Google::TranslateV1_0). SOURCE package Translation; use Moose; extends 'Tatsumaki::Handler'; use Tatsumaki::Application; use Encode qw(decode_utf8); use WebService::Async::Google::TranslateV1_0; __PACKAGE__->asynchronous(1); sub get { translate(@_); } sub post { translate(@_); } sub translate { my ( $self, $arg ) = shift; $self->response->content_type('text/xml'); my $req = $self->request; my $params = $req->parameters; my $src = $params->get('f'); $params->remove('f'); my $dest = $params->get('t'); $params->remove('t'); if ( !defined $src || !defined $dest ) { # TODO throws an exception. } my @dest = split '\|', $dest; if ( !@dest ) { # TODO throws an exception. } my $service = WebService::Async::Google::TranslateV1_0->new; $service->source_language($src); $service->set_destination_languages(@dest); $params->each( sub { $service->set_message( decode_utf8( $_[0] ), $_[1] ); } ); $service->translate( on_each_translation => sub { my ( $sv, $id, $res ) = @_; $self->stream_write($res); }, on_translation_complete => sub { my ( $atg, $all_res ) = @_; $self->stream_write($all_res); $self->finish; }, ); } my $app = Tatsumaki::Application->new( [ '/translation/api/get' => 'Translation' ] ); return $app; METHODS new(%opt) Constructor. Create WebService::Async instance. Available options are: base_url Base url exclude query strings. param Query parameters. HashRef. auto_block 1 or 0. Auto blocking or not. max_per_host Maximum per host. $AnyEvent::HTTP::MAX_PER_HOST. timeout Seconds. retry_interval Seconds. max_retry_count If given three, retrying three times on connection error. response_parser WebService::Async::Parser::* instance. response_converter WebService::Async::Converter::* instance. whole_response_converter WebService::Async::Converter::* instance. logger Log::Dispatch instance. user_agent User agent name or alias. Alias can be 'Windows IE 6', 'Windows Mozilla', 'Mac Safari', 'Mac Mozilla', 'Linux Mozilla', 'Linux Konqueror'. on_done A code reference invoking when a request is done. on_complete A code reference invoking when all requests is completed. on_error A code reference invoking when the error occurs. on_critical_error A code reference invoking when the critical error occurs. check_error A code reference for checking errors. critical_error_message This is a message that replaces the converted response when the critical error occurs. See WebService::Async::Google::TranslateV1_0 get Sending a get request and blocking. Returns a converted response. This method is synchronous use only. post Sending a post request and blocking. Returns a converted response. This method is synchronous use only. add_get Creating a get request and queuing it. Returns a array reference which includes key for access the response. add_post Creating a post request and queuing it. Returns a array reference which includes key for access the response. send_request Sending all queued requests and blocking; Returns a converted response. SUBCLASSING For better encapsulation, you can create subclass of WebService::Async to customize the behavior. See WebService::Async::Google::TranslateV1_0. PARSERS If you want to use an existing parsers, see example 2. Or if you want to create your own parsers such as a WebService::Async::Parser::MessagePack, see WebService::Async::Parser::JSON. CACHING See example 8. DIAGNOSTICS Cannot send the another request while the request queue is processing. Once you run 'send_request' method, you can not run another one until 'send_request' is finished. The requst key is duplicate. You must avoid to duplicating keys on using 'add_get' or 'add_post' method. Cannot change the 'auto_block' attribute while the request queue is processing. You can not change the 'auto_block' attribute while the request queue is processing. HTTP connection error occurred. The status code is '%s'. Throws If the status code of the response header is not /^2/. DEPENDENCIES AnyEvent AnyEvent::HTTP Clone Data::UUID Data::Section::Simple Encode Hash::MultiKey JSON Log::Dispatch::Config Moose MooseX::WithCache Regexp::Common Scalar::Util Smart::Args; Try::Tiny URI::Escape XML::Simple Plack::Loader Plack::Request Test::Deep Test::Exception Test::TCP Text::MicroTemplate Text::MicroTemplate::DataSection UNIVERSAL POD BUGS This POD does'nt make sense because my English Sux. The best way to understand the usage of this module is reading the "SYNOPSIS" and "EXAMPLES" section. GIT REPOSITORY AUTHOR keroyonn SEE ALSO WebService::Simple Tatsumaki LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.