POE::Component::Client::UserAgent --------------------------------- POE::Component::Client::UserAgent is Copyright 2001 Kirill Shuykin Author's contact: http://www.en-directo.net/mail/kirill.html This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. Abstract -------- POE::Component::Client::UserAgent is an asynchronous, event driven LWP and LWP::Parallel based user agent POE component. It lets other tasks run while making a request to an Internet server and waiting for a response, and it lets several requests run in parallel. Requirements ------------ This module requires POE, LWP and LWP::Parallel. Version 0.03 of the component requires POE version 0.1402 and LWP::Parallel version 2.51, which in turn requires LWP version 2.52 or later. Availability ------------ The most recent POE::Component::Client::UserAgent distribution is available on the web at http://www.en-directo.net/poe/ I am also planning to upload it to the CPAN. The most recent version of the component documentation is available at http://www.en-directo.net/poe/useragent.html Installation ------------ This module has not yet been posted on CPAN, so manual installation is the only option so far. Create a makefile: perl Makefile.PL Optionally run test scripts: make test Install the module: make install You can also extract the archive manually. The component is written entirely in Perl and requires no compilation. Usage ----- An example of usage is found in the built in documentation, as well as on the manual page on the web, see Availability. Test scripts are also good examples of the component usage. See Also -------- POE http://poe.perl.org/ LWP http://www.linpro.no/lwp/ LWP::Parallel http://www.inf.ethz.ch/~langhein/ParallelUA/